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Monday 28 December 2015


var startValue = '0.00000001', // Don't lower the decimal point more than 4x of current balance
    stopPercentage = 0.08, // In % of total BTC upper right hand corner, forces the script to not make dumb wagers
    maxWait = 777, // In milliseconds
    stopped = false, // debugging, change to true to test varible changes
    stopBefore = 1; // In minutes for timer

var $loButton = $('#double_your_btc_bet_lo_button'),
        $hiButton = $('#double_your_btc_bet_hi_button');

function multiply(){
    var current = $('#double_your_btc_stake').val();
    var multiply = (current * 2).toFixed(8);

function getRandomWait(){
    var wait = Math.floor(Math.random() * maxWait ) + 100;

    console.log('Waiting for ' + wait + 'ms before next bet.');

    return wait ;

function startGame(){
    console.log('Game started!');

function stopGame(){
    console.log('Game will stop soon! Let me finish.');
    stopped = true;

function reset(){

// quick and dirty hack if you have very little bitcoins like 0.00000001
function deexponentize(number){
    return number * 10000000;

function iHaveEnoughMoni(){
    var balance = deexponentize(parseFloat($('#balance').text()));
    var current = deexponentize($('#double_your_btc_stake').val());

    return ((balance)*2/100) * (current*2) > stopPercentage/100;

function stopBeforeRedirect(){
    var minutes = parseInt($('title').text());

    if( minutes < stopBefore )
        console.log('Approaching redirect! Stop the game so we don\'t get redirected while loosing.');

        return true;

    return false;

// Unbind old shit

// Loser
    if( $(event.currentTarget).is(':contains("lose")') )
        console.log('You LOST! Multiplying your bet and betting again.');

        }, getRandomWait());


// Winner
    if( $(event.currentTarget).is(':contains("win")') )
        if( stopBeforeRedirect() )

        if( iHaveEnoughMoni() )
            console.log('You WON! But don\'t be greedy. Restarting!');


            if( stopped )
                stopped = false;
                return false;
            console.log('You WON! Betting again');

        }, getRandomWait());

Tuesday 1 December 2015



Solusi bagi Anda yang sudah sukses di MMM Indonesia
Saya akan berikan panduan untuk membantu Anda meraih kesuksesan dalam berinvestasi di bisnis MMM Global

MMM Global adalah jaringan finansial GLOBAL dimana setiap partisipan antar negara di seluruh dunia bisa saling memberi dan meminta bantuan. Sehingga tidak dibatasi oleh partisipan dari Indonesia atau hanya dari suatu negara tertentu saja.
INGAT! Salah satu penyebab RESTART MMM Indonesia adalah karena partisipan dari Indonesia banyak yang melakukan GH karena kebutuhkan dana untuk merayakan lebaran, sehingga menyebabkan ketidak seimbangan antara PH dan GH, selain itu juga banyaknya akun abal abal. 

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Solusinya adalah MMM Global di mana seluruh masyarakat dunia dari luar negeri yang TIDAK merayakan HARI RAYA bisa memberikan bantuan kepada kita yang ada di Indonesia.
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Kelebihan MMM Global :

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  • Pilihan Reward 30% perbulan dan 50% perbulan (237.5% per 3 bulan)
  • Langsung dapat referal bonus 10% dan leader bonus 5% - 0,01% (Hingga Unlimited Level)
Lalu bagaimana cara kita transaksi dengan partisipan antar negara?
Ok jangan khawatir masalah itu, karena untuk itulah disini saya memberikan tutorial Panduan MMM Global. Silahkan di baca terus yaa...
MMM Global memberikan kebebasan financial tanpa dibatasi oleh mata uang, untuk itu di MMM Global menggunakan dua money procesor yang di akui Internasional dan bisa di gunakan untuk transfer antar negara, yaitu Bitcoin dan Perfect Money (saya sendiri pakai Perfect Money karena tidak ada flutuatif).

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Monday 5 October 2015

Seven Brothers Have Long Hair

The second strange family was also from America, this family does not have strange rules such as the family discussed earlier, and thus has no less unique peculiarities of the previous family, which had long hair up to foot like Rapunzel.Sutherland brothers consisting of 7 women and 1 man named Charles was born between 1851 and 1865 among rural farming communities of Cambria, New York.
In an effort to get out of poverty, their father Rev. Fletcher Sutherland 'plunge' into the world of show business. Armed with their singing talent.

However, after they joined the company circus Barnum & Bailey and dubbed 'The Seven Most Pleasing Wonders of the World' or the 7 wonders of the nicest in the world, the manager of the circus realize their appeal instead of singing, but of long hair held seventh.

"Although the show they brought the songs of the church, seriosa, and ballads got a warm welcome, but long hair girls look more attractive," said Brandon.

Saturday 3 October 2015

Magically, In Place This Time Stop Running

Miraculously, in this place time stops running. Is that true? Many people who want youthful despite his age has increased. In Nogoro is in a village in southern Japan has realized the dream of eternal youth. In a small village that everyone will still look as though it has been 52 years. Is it true? What's the secret?

Alert! Similar initially Thrush, Turns Deadly

Alert! Initially like thrush, it turns deadly. Is that true? There are many different types of diseases that exist in this world and has undergone many developments are quite high because of the poor condition of natural and unhealthy lifestyle. Thrush is a type of disease that is still fairly mild and often suffered by many people because of eating food that contains the oil and it turns out there are some types of the deadly disease whose symptoms are similar to canker disease you know ...

Similar initially Thrush, Turns Deadly. This is the explanation!
Now it has been widely found in various types of deadly diseases suffered by the majority of people in this world. The deadly disease has been progressing quite high that many people can not distinguish the symptoms or early signs of the disease.

A disease that often affects most people are canker sores and it turns out you need to be alert to this disease. Thrush is practically not a deadly disease category and usually recovers in the not too distant future. If you have sores that do not heal for a long time then you should immediately see a doctor, because there is a deadly disease like thrush, so people do not realize the presence of the deadly disease.

Sprue disease is usually characterized by sores on the tongue, sores in the mouth around the wall area, and injuries to the gums. On pain thrush, the area around the wound will soften while if a deadly disease if touched on the area around the wound will harden. So you can distinguish the symptoms of the deadly disease despite the symptoms are similar to canker sores.

Alert deadly canker sores, according to Dr. IBTjakra Authority Manuaba, there is a deadly disease whose symptoms almost similar to canker disease. The deadly disease is a cancer of the tongue. Differences in symptoms of cancer with sprue disease, namely:

- In the area surrounding the disease canker sores such as the tongue and mouth will be soft to the touch, but if it is a deadly disease that is cancer, the area around the wound will harden if touched.

- In his sprue disease will move while on his cancer disease will be in one place does not move.

- At sprue disease recover quickly, while the deadly disease do not heal.

- Injuries to the sprue disease will not be enlarged, while the deadly disease will get bigger wound and swelling.

That is some information about the differences in the symptoms of canker disease and fatal disease that you can learn as reference material. Deadly disease whose symptoms resemble canker is a disease that is cancer of the oral cavity cancer. Oral cavity cancer is a cancer that attacks the oral cavity such as the tongue, gums, palate, floor of the mouth, cheeks, and the back of the oral cavity.

There are several causes of oral cancer are:

1. The condition of the oral cavity is not clean so much bacteria growing quickly in it.

2. The habit of smoking is high.

3. Consume alcoholic beverages in the long term.

4. Using the dentures are not good quality, there is a section of false teeth that can pierce parts of the mouth and gums that can lead to injuries which could be fatal if irritation occurs.

That is some information about diseases of the oral cavity cancer who have early symptoms such as mouth sores, so Beware! Initially like thrush, turns deadly.

Turns 35,000 Years Ago Not Primitive Man

Many relics are saying that tens of years ago, human beings still in a primitive state. Because the shelter moving and still objects using makeshift tools. But it turns out 35,000 years ago humans are not primitive, it is also based on evidence that has been found.

Turns 35,000 Years Ago Not Primitive Man, How Can?
This statement stems from the discovery of Chauvet Cave. The cave is located deep in the Ardeche Gorge in the south of France. This area is still rarely accessed by the public because the location is very hidden. Entering the French caves where people lived 35,000 years ago is impressive.

Glittering stalactites and stalagmites make this cave more beautiful. Especially with images that are in the walls of the cave. The image is made from scratches stone with ornate red flowers and coal. And suspected the painting there are about 20,000 to 35,000 years ago.

Full cave paintings discovered on December 18, 1994 by the three explorers, namely Cristian Hilaire, Eliette Deschamps and Jean Chauvet. After this discovery, the cave is closed to the general public.

There are hundreds of paintings in the cave. Motive is shaped prey animals, such as horses, bears, lions, and ibex (mountain goat-like animals). The paintings look very sophisticated. Humans first used stone reliefs to add shadow effects, shapes, and to express a lot of other things. There are more than 400 animals on the painting. However, it is possible there are many images that can be found there.

Age tens of thousands of years to make the painting becomes vulnerable to damage. By karenana, ordinary people are not allowed to enter this cave. To protect it, we conducted rekronstruksi efforts up until now in the Chauvet cave. If the place is open to the public, it will cause contamination. The temperature of the faster growing, but it also disrupted the climate balance. This will create a painting on cave walls changed.

It turned out to be obtained from existing experience. Lascaux caves are found in the southwestern part of the state of France in 1940. Then, for more than 20 years from the discovery, the cave was opened to the public and the millions of visitors thronged to see the cave paintings in it. This gives rise to bacteria and fungi so that the paintings suffered severe damage. Finally the Lascaux cave was closed permanently.

Researchers who peertama entered in Lascaux cave, containing prehistoric paintings is an art expert palaeolitic, namely Jean Clottes. He is believed to oversee the work in this cave and became committee chairman in making a replica of the cave.

Clottes provide a statement which is quite surprising. He says that man cave dwellers in puluan thousand years ago is not the primitive man. He also added that modern humans like us there are about 200,000 years ago, so for 35,000 years is not much time. In conclusion, 35,000 years ago human beings are not primitive.

Clottes believe that this cave is a spiritual place for humans antiquity to collect food and hunted them. It is also believed that the paintings of animals on the walls of the two has a magical element to them.

Clottes said that the human life span is not long. But the painting suggests that they are not the primitive man. Because they have a religion and artists. They are quite close to us, modern humans. They also have intelligence that is almost the same with us when seen from the way they make the paintings.

Chauver cave is one of the relics that can indicate the level of human kerativitas past and the reason that turns out 35,000 years ago humans are not primitive.

5 People Living Trust to Date

Death is a sure thing to be experienced by every living creature in this world, and most people believe that there is life after having died, but there are 5 people were believed still alive to this day even though they have been declared dead. Who was the 5th this person?

This is list 5 People Living Trust to Date
It appeared in this world many who believe that there are 5 people who are still alive today despite the 5th person had been declared dead. Who was the 5th this person? Here's a list of 5 people believed still alive up to now:

1. Elvis Presley
Elvis Presley was a star Rock N 'Roll who has been declared dead. However, there is the mysterious story of the star's funeral ceremony, the father of Elvis named Vernon said he did not see clearly that the bodies that were in the coffin is that his body was Elvis Presley. Given the description of the star the Rock N 'Roll is believed to be still alive today.

2. Jim Morrison
Jim Morrison is the lead singer of the band The Doors. In 1971, precisely in March, Jim decided to leave the United States and settled in Paris. In this city he wants to finish the poem, but Jim did not get to finish his poem because rumored to have died. There are some peculiarities of the death of lead singer of The Doors is that there is no clear results of the autopsy, the funeral is done in a hurry, no one ever saw Jim's body even a friend of the band also never saw his body. One more thing that is quite astonishing is that after a few days funerals Jim performed, there are some people who see the figure Jim middle boarding a plane to leave Paris. So Jim Morrison is a person who is still alive today.

3. Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler is a popular figure during World War II. In 1968, the government claimed that Adolf Hitler had died by the discovery of two corpses were hit by a bomb. Dental identification of the body was found that one of the bodies that constitute the body of Adolf Hitler. But the clarity and truth of identification is still a mystery for a conference in Potsdam, Stalin Josept has claimed that Adolf Hitler had left Germany to go to Spain or Argentina.

4. Tupac Shakur
One of the people who are alive today are Tipac Shakur. Tipac is a rapper from the United States. He is said to have died as a result of being shot while he was driving. Many argue that this is just a rap singer murder conspiracy and truth of his death have also been refracted, so many loyal fans who amsih considers his idol is still alive today.

5. Alexander I
Alexander I was a king from Russia and he has expressed to the family and his closest friends that he would release the crown and palace. In 1825, Alexander went to the Crimea in the framework of the inspection and on the way he expressed died suddenly due to malaria and pneumonia. Alexander's body was wrapped very tightly and put in small crates. Many people are of the opinion that his death is false and he has lowered his throne secretly. In 1925, the Soviet Union opened the tomb of Alexander and inside the tomb was not discovered any bodies.

That is some information about the 5 people believed still alive to this day even though they have been declared dead.
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