Wednesday 30 September 2015

Boat mystery Noah Finally Revealed

The story about the boat Noah is a phenomenal story and legendary. Allah gave Noah for a miracle to be able to make large-sized boat in one day to save people from a flood disaster that would befall the people of the prophet nuh at the time.
Boat mystery of Noah became a fascination to researchers around the world to be able to investigate the matter. Recently known in the East Coast area, precisely on Mount Agri or Mount Ararat is always a blanket of snow has discovered a carcass Boats / Ships over 1500 years old and allegedly was the boat of Noah. Not imaginary this discovery into a valuable discovery and the largest recorded in the history of the world.

This is certainly attracted the attention of researchers to be able to know in depth the relationship carcass boats were found with past events nuh legendary prophet. Not only researchers, but lately the US investigator as CIA / KGB did not want to miss the opportunity to examine the carcass of the boat above the mountain peaks. The CIA has been conducting research with recording and taking pictures using satellites and aircraft 'Stealth' above the top of the mountain Agrarat.

Many people try to climb the mountain peak Agrarat, but not many have managed to achieve it. Only a lucky few people who can get on top of the mountain. The rest many were killed in tragic prior to that. Mount Agrarat dubbed the "Mount Misery".

They were lucky to reach the top of the mountain, it will be able to see with their own eyes a lasting historical artifacts stored at its peak.

Then what is most precious artifacts that it is really carcasses boat Noah who had been buried for 1500 years? Experts archaeological justify it, because they obtain the conclusion that the artifacts found there is a very large dimensions and is nothing but a boat Prophet Noah.

How the boat story Noah found?
On May 2, 1988 the past has been a very severe earthquake befell Agrarat mountainous region covered with snow, and unlock the mystery artifacts boat / Noah's ark that has been buried for 5000 years.

After the earthquake occurrence, found a hole big stone with a hole carved and allegedly a "drogue Stones". Drogue Stones is a boat technology in ancient times. Used on the back of the boat to stabilize the movement of the boats on the high seas.

From the research, it is known that in the days of Noah is not as primitive as we think it is. In the days of the Advancement of Science and Technology knowledge they can be said to have been sufficiently developed and developing at the time.

Some examples that prove this analysis is of some astonishing findings from the foothills agrarat. Researchers from Russia discovered approximately 500 stone artifacts suggest ancient electric battery which is a tool to adapt metal. From the results it is clear that in the days of Noah already know the name of electricity.

Boat structure of Noah
Historians estimate Noah created his boat that is in the year 2465 BC. Then estimated at 2345 BC there was a flood disaster terrifying soaking almost half the human population on earth.
The Great Noah Ark is the name given to the legend of Noah's boat. The shape of Noah's Ark is not the same with ships that exist at the present time. According to the researchers who never look directly Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat peak, as well as some of the images taken by the satellite, it seems "The Great Noah Ark" has a frame size that is so large and sturdy.

Noah's boat composed of a series of wood from an ancient tree species are already extinct. But most researchers say the construction of the ship is of teak wood species originating from East Java and Central Java, Indonesia. The size of the wrecks were found after that is 7546 feet measured the length of the ark of approximately 500 feet, 83 feet wide and 50 feet high.

Predicted with a very large size Noah's Ark can carry hundreds of thousands of people and animals of various species. According Dr.Whitcomb, prophet nuh ship can accommodate 3700 mammals, 8600 species of poultry, 6300 reptiles, amphibians and 2500. The remainder of the people of Prophet Nuh man who believed in his teachings.

Batteries discovery
Researchers with the sophistication of the technology that they have, capture a radar that is like the steel molecules in the vessel. Turns out they found a steel structure that after in-depth study is the steel structure of the type "vessel". This type of "vessel" is older than 100,000 years, proved that it is a creation of human hands.
Some scholars argue that the most likely 'Noah's Ark' is built in a place called Shuruppak, which is an area that is located in southern Iraq.

If he built in southern Iraq and ended up stranded in northern Turkey, likely the ark was carried by water currents far more than 520 Km


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