Wednesday 30 September 2015

Story Mystery Behind Valentine's Day

Whoever the person must know what it is Valentine, but rarely know the mystery behind this Valentine's Day. Valentine is celebrated as Valentines Day and is celebrated every February it was not as many people expected. There are some things that are not known by many, especially the origin of Valentine's. The collection of mystery lovers would want to know some facts behind the celebration of this love story.
St. Valentine
Valentine comes from the name of a priest named St. Valentine. He was a priest who lived in imperial Rome Cladius. The emperor was very eager to have a strong military force and also great, but the desire is not fully supported by the people, especially the men. They do not want to part with his beloved family, the fact that the Emperor Cladius angry and ordered to prohibit marriage. Of course it can not be denied by the people. However there is one pastor who does not agree with the decision, he is St. Valentine. Valentine thought that it was very inhuman and continue its work, which gives the blessing for those who want to get married. It was done secretly in a small boat, until finally when you're doing the blessing of the couples who want to marry, it was known by the Emperor. The emperor angry, immediately ordered to arrest and punish priests. Punishment given is not half-hearted, the death penalty! The death penalty was carried out exactly on February 14. On the day of the death of St. Valentine's much praised for his courage in marrying many people. even at the time of his death many people are giving flowers as a symbol of their affection to the priests. Therefore, until today the celebration of the death of St. Valentine is commemorated as the day of love.

Gamelion legend
In ancient Roman times there was a legend named legend Gamelion. This legend tells of the romance between Zeus with Hera, which is none other than the brother and sister. Actually, the incident also called fertility celebration, at which time it is required to provide an offering. The offerings are provided in the form of sacrificial animals for the wedding of Zeus and the goddess Hera. The incident continues to grow up in Roman times called Lupercalia warning celebrated on February 15. This name is taken from the name of Reverend Lupercus. Lupercaria warning is to be maintained and dilestasikan by Britain and France with slightly different packaging, namely Love Lottery, where men and women looking for a partner by means of randomized or drawn. As well as the subsequent events, they do affection as husband to wife.

The teachings of Gnosticism
Valentine also has to do with the teachings of Gnosticism, this teaching is given by the bishop or church leader who has a flow of syncretism. Those who follow this doctrine assumes that the bed is the center of the main aisle of affection.

Some Assumption
There is also a thought that during the month of February, the animals, especially pigeons went looking for her partner. It was also underlying the day of love, or Valentine's day, even into the mystery behind the story of Valentine's Day.

Tragic incident
But there is a tragic incident that happened on Valentine's Day, which on February 14, 1929 there has been a massacre. The incident is certainly not pleasant, because it happened just as the day of love, where everyone is supposed to love each other and love.

Triple Valentinus
The incident began when ditemukanya several skeletons buried in Santo Hyppolitus which are in Rome. This incident was taken as a form perhormatan to as saints, namely Pastor, Bishop or Church leaders and martyrs or fighters. Many people who think that it is a skeleton framework triple Valentinus, and even many people who intentionally pilgrimage on Valentine's Day.

Everyone has the right to accept or not any differences. Is a natural thing to happen. Preferably any differences that exist do not make trouble. Because after all every human being has a right and its obligations in this world, including the right to receive affection and right to argue. Basically every man should love one another. There are many ways to express affection, not only during Valentine's Day alone. Valentine celebration or who has another name day of love should not be tainted by things that are not good. Because there are some people who are trying to disrupt an event like this, in a way that is inappropriate. The affection between people is sacred and whoever the person must respect the incident.

Mystery story behind this Valentine's Day should make us aware of the meaning and significance of the differences in the Valentine's Day!


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