Tuesday 29 September 2015

Secrets Revealed Man Can Walk On Water

Walking on water has been known since many years ago, for example, a lot of films that include this action in the story. This makes the public ask whether anyone could walk on water and how. Because this is not unreasonable. However, in recent years it re-discussed. Many articles that wrote about the secret unfolding human could walk on water.

Secrets Revealed Man Can Walk On Water without Help
Walking on water are tricks that are often used by magicians. Usually they are not pure of its ability to walk on water. They use tools such as Plexiglas. Plexigas is a board made of glass. Initially, plexigas arranged on the water. Then the magicians walking on it and look as if they're walking on water.

However, the secret is not just out of magicians. A woman dancer beautiful pool also revealed why he could walk on water. Lenka Tanner is a British woman who was 28 years old. He is one person who is able to walk on water using a trick he had mastered.

This woman said secret could walk on water without using any tools, such as plexiglas and a block of ice that is often used by magicians in performing tricks. He also does not use the science of magic to walk on water.

Lenka is a beautiful swimming athletes for 20 years. Long enough for a woman aged 28 years. This makes Lenka master the tricks in the beautiful pool. He said that the secret he could walk on water is one of the tricks in a lovely swim. Therefore, the trick he used different from the others.

While in the pool, swimming Lenka by positioning his body to stand upside down. The position of the head and then be down, while her feet touched the water's surface. The last action in the picture, when the results of this photo we return, it will look as though Lenka walk on water.

Lenka revealed that walking on water was not difficult because he has practiced for 20 years as an athlete beautiful pool. However, he thinks it is difficult is how he makes beautiful pool known by the public.

And now, Lenka has been the manager of one of the beautiful swimming team, AquaStars. He founded the team in a recreation center in Nottingham, England.

Lenka addition, it is known there is one other person who could walk on water too. He uses the science of Shaolin. Many people believe that Shaolin has the ability to walk on water. However, this is just a misunderstanding. They are not pure can do it, but he used the tricks and secrets of walking on water by magicians.

Shaolin secret science can walk on water lies on a wooden plank being used. In Shaolin, people make wooden boards which are then arranged on the water. Only then walk on it so that when viewed from afar, as if people can walk on water.

Thus is the fact unfolding the secrets of how humans could walk on water. It is not a magic, but they use special tricks that look as if they could walk on water. Hopefully this article can add to our knowledge about the phenomena that surround us.


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