Sunday 27 September 2015

Disease Detection Of Colors Urine

Many of us do not know how to detect diseases of the color of urine, but this is one of the most commonly used today. We may often observe how we spend the urine often change color at any time, it turns out if we examine more closely with both the color and odor, we can know what the disease is sweeping our body.

One Of The Most Ancient Disease Detection Method 
Talks about urine is not a theme of conversation to talk with people, even some of us who might be amused at the sight of their own urine. Regardless of the resulting disgust factor, know that it turns the color of the urine can be a way to know the disease? Not only by its color, we can also notice the smell and consistency of our own urine to find out what happens inside us. Through urine is passed, we can find out in detail what we consume, the total amount of water that goes into our bodies, until we are contracting the disease being at that time.

Checking disease pathway through the urine is not a new discovery in the world of health, given this method has emerged centuries ago, as well as being one of the ways most commonly used by pharmacists at that time in order to figure out what is wrong with health someone. Opinions on how the urine has been used as a determinant of a person's health has been published in the journal by a professor named Thomas Griebling who also serves as vice chairman of the department of urology at the University of Kansas.Turns detection of diseases of the color of urine, according Griebling, is a derivative of the science of our ancestors long ago. He also added that the detection of disease using urinalysis or urine is one of the most ancient way for humans of the time to find out the irregularities that occur in their bodies. The reason is actually logical, according Griebling, because of all the good things that we consume the mushrooms, sugar, or even bacteria, all of them will end up in the bladder and urine which is then converted into our release.Anthony Smith who is the head of the section Urinology at the University of New Mexico also said that in fact the urine is one of the things that is very important when we talk about the disposal of substances that are not useful in the body. Not to mention the urine could also be eliminating toxins, which poison is dangerous if continuously silent in the body.

Urine color change is Key Knowing Someone Health 

Changes in urine color is a way of knowing the disease being diidap by someone. Urine we will get the yellow color of the variations urokrom vary from pale yellow to dark amber. If the color of the urine we have increasingly dark, it also means that we consume much less water, and if the color is pale means our water consumption enough or were taking drugs.There are a lot of urine colors like red, blue, or green that sometimes makes people panic, but do not be surprised because in fact that color can directly detect diseases of the color of urine.


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