Wednesday 30 September 2015

Black Stone Surprising mystery Nasa

Stone Black Stone is a black stone slightly reddish located on the wall of Kabah in Mecca. The form of the Black Stone was originally a large stone sebongkahan, but after looting in the year 317 H, Stone Black Stone are now eight small boulders.
Interesting to listen to Mystery Existing behind Stone Black Stone, as a fact of an astronaut Neil Armstrong proved scientific fact that the city of Mecca is the center of the planet Earth. This happens when we know Neil Armstrong as the first man to explore the moon take a photograph of the earth from outer space. He gets a picture of the earth is hanging in a dark area, and this is where the mystery begins.

Quoted from a reliable source, bahwasannya it has been the study of the astronauts, so they find the existence of a radiation that occurs on the planet. Preaching is then officially have them published on the internet. But do not know why the news was finally gone after 21 days in publishing. No one knows why the reports could be lost, but the suspicion arises that it deliberately covered up one of the parties that may have hidden reasons.

Through in-depth research and study, scientists finally get a conclusion that says that radiation is meant located in the city of Mecca sourced or centered on the Kaaba. Not only that, the more surprising the radiation mentioned endless. When the researchers took images of Mars, it turns out that radiation is still there. Why It may come as no surprise Nasa? After the news spread, the Muslim scientists found radiation that occur have characteristics that connects hereafter to the temple located on Planet Earth.

Have you ever heard of an area called 'Zero Magnetism Area'? The area is a place where when we use a compass in the area, then the compass we will not work at all because of a very strong attraction between two poles. Where is this area? The area is in the middle between the north pole and a south pole.

Mystery stone Black Stone Surprising Nasa
Then that is the reason why people who live in Mecca can be healthier and live longer. Mecca is also not influenced by gravity. Therefore when the people who were on the pilgrimage when they surround the temple they feel like getting a mysterious energy that has been proven scientifically.

Other experts have also theorized that the Stone Black Stone is a stone that can float on water and is the oldest rocks ever existed in the world. Of the United Kingdom confirmed that they had 3 pieces of fruit stone of the Kaaba stored in the British Museum. When asked the museum to mention that the stone pieces after deep research say not the kind of stone that comes from our earth. Wallaahuam ..

Mystery stone Black Stone Surprising Nasa

Related to this statement, we remembered a word from the Prophet that: "Stone Black Stone was sent down from heaven, the color is whiter than milk, and the sins of the children and grandchildren Adamlah which makes black.

Thus a brief description of the Stone Black Stone Surprising Nasa. In Islam the Black Stone is a stone that is sacred and to be a place that is considered the granting of the prayer of a person.


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