Tuesday 29 September 2015

Here's Five Sins of Malaysia against Indonesia

Here's Five Sins of Malaysia against Indonesia, what are they? Malaysia is a neighboring country and allied with Indonesia, so that the language used in everyday life is almost the same as Indonesia, Malay language. Since long relationship less intimate Indonesia and Malaysia because Malaysia did some things that can be trampled dignity Indonesia.

When compared with Indonesia, Malaysia region only a small part, but according to a survey conducted by students Fisip University of Indonesia in 2010, the country most threatened Indonesia is Malaysia from the United States, China and Singapore. Why is that? So far, Malaysia has a lot to do things that a lot of harm Indonesia both in terms of state assets and the people of Indonesia who work in the country.

Here's Five Sins of Malaysia against Indonesia, What are they?

Any actions that harm Indonesia Malaysia? Here are 5 of sin Negara Malaysia to Indonesia:

1. Doing violence to the people of Indonesia
No doubt that many Indonesian people who seek fortune in Malaysia as migrant workers. Apparently a lot of the violence that has been done by the citizens and officials of Malaysia to the Indonesian people who work there, not just the workers who experienced this violence even diplomats, delegates sports as referees also experienced this violence. However, Malaysia as if not knowing and not even prohibit citizens and officers to the violence.

2. The term Indon to TKI
Many workers who work in Malaysia as domestic helpers, construction workers, factory workers, and other manual labor. Malaysia was deliberately put the Indonesian people who worked there in the sector of manual labor that does not require skills or you could say they put the people of Indonesia as a nation that most low and they often call it, which means Indon maid or poor.

3. Plowing and steal the wealth of Indonesia
Many of Indonesia's wealth are openly been hijacked and even stolen by Malaysia as reog Ponorogo, song Sayange sense of the Moluccas, and batik has been claimed by Malaysia as their own culture. This is a fatal mistake Malaysia over Indonesia.

4. Recruit citizens of Indonesia as irregulars wataniyah
Many Indonesian citizens who had been recruited by the Malaysian government as irregulars wataniyah that reservists were assigned to assist the Malaysian army in case the battle against the enemy.

5. Malaysia Sipadan and Ligitan belong seize Indonesia
Malaysia to Indonesia next sin is seized of Sipadan and Ligitan. Pulau Sipadan and Ligitan is an island which is strategically located in the Makassar Strait. Both islands have been taken by Malaysia in 2002 as the International Court has won Malaysia as the owner of both islands. With kemanangan that Malaysia has been rampant on the territory of Indonesia, this can be seen with the more dare they commit Indonesia encroachment from both sea and land boundaries. Many cases of territorial violations by Malaysia which has been recorded by the Navy which in 2007 occurred about 76 violations, in 2008 as many as 23 violations, and in 2009 as many as 13 offenses. Besides Malaysia also started eyeing parts of Indonesia such as the island of Sumatra, namely the island Drying, Ambalat, and also they are a lot of shifting stakes borders Indonesia in Kalimantan as markers located on the island of Sebatik, Gunung Raya, Tanjung Datu, and others ,

Here's Five Sins of Malaysia against Indonesia they've done for a long time and Malaysia only diplomacy to apologize to Indonesia but they repeat it again.


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