Wednesday 30 September 2015

7 Wonders of the Brain What Do not We Realize

The brain as the source of the human mind, it has outstanding performance to process all the information around us. So how organ of only fist is capable of controlling human life in an extraordinary way?

Brain over the centuries - indeed a very mysterious organ. Just a few hundred years, scientists have started to successfully uncover the mystery of this one organ. Of course the help of sophisticated technology becomes one of the key success of this study. The human brain has a function similar to the processor on the computer. The difference, processor performance can be explained with logic while the brain can not.

At least there is some mystery that still surrounds the human brain. Even scientists are also still trying to find a scientific explanation for the mystery. Still, the mystery is the secret of life creation of the Almighty are very remarkable.

1. Awareness
When waking from sleep in the morning, we will be aware of sleep. We can enjoy the morning sun from the crack in the window, inhaling the morning air, and activities. All this is called consciousness. We are also aware that we are "I" for ourselves. How the brain of a conscious process becomes unconscious during sleep but we automatically will get up again. This certainly be one of the important mystery to be solved.

2. Life Frozen
Eternal life is indeed limited to only the human fantasy. But scientists have found that cryonic findings that can make a man has two lives. Arlcor Life Extension Foundation, one of the centers are located in Arizona cryonic have kept the living body in tubes containing liquid nitrogen at a temperature of minus 320 Fahrenheit.

The idea of ​​this study is the man who had died of the disease will be thawed and then turned on again in the future when the diseases are curable. The body of a famous baseball player, Ted Williams is stored here. However, since this technology has not been found, the revival has not yet been carried out but his body had melted at the right temperature so that the body's own cells break down and freeze.

3. Behavior
All that is done by human behavior carried out under the control of the brain. Until now there has been much debate about the personality and the human mind is influenced by the natural or innate of the environment. Until now, there has not been an agreement among scientists whether human behavior is inherited from the genes or environmental influences.

4. Laugh
Laughter is the most elusive of human behavior. Scientists have found that when people laugh, there are three parts of the brain are activated. The first is part think before understanding a joke then move the area to tell the muscle to do something, and the latter is an emotional area that causes tingling. According to John Morreall, a researcher humor found that laughter is a response to playing of the story that is not in line with expectations. Surprisingly laughter can also be passed on to others.

5. Memory
In human life, there are some experiences that are difficult to forget. But often the brain also forget things that are important when it takes as given the mathematical formula or address. Why does this happen? By using a brain imaging technique, scientists have discovered a mechanism that is responsible for the creation and storage processes of memory. The researchers found the gray matter of the brain and the hippocampus, which acts as a memory storing box. But strangely why no memory is very easy to remember and some are easily forgotten. Of course this is still a mystery.

When moving, thinking, dreaming, or even love, gray matter, known as the cortex great work. But white matter known as the basal ganglia it also played a role. For example when the symptoms of dementia, a number of studies have shown there is a plaque in the gray matter.

6. Biological Clock
The brain has a nucleus suprachiasmatic nucleus, or biological clock. Part of the program the body to follow the rhythm of the time for 24 hours. The biological clock to adjust body temperature, produces the hormone melatonin, and regulate sleep-wake cycle.

7. Sleeping
Why do we need sleep? Scientists believe that all mammals require adequate sleep, including humans. Not enough sleep for long periods can cause hallucinations or even death. Sleep is divided into two levels of NREM sleep that occurs when the brain showed a low metabolic activity and the level of REM sleep is when the brain is still active.

Well that was 7 Wonders of the brain we do not realize.


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