Sunday 27 September 2015

Japan Successfully Making Food Fecal (stool) Man

Human excrement or feces is very disgusting but it was Japan managed to make a meal of stool (feces) human. It sounds so ridiculous and even repulsive to most people, but the food made of this stool has a view that is quite interesting and far from disgusting. Is that true? Do you want to try?

In Japan, Feces transformed into food. Japan is one country that has the technological advances that are very advanced and sophisticated in comparison with other developed countries. Technological advances that recently took the world is the creation of foods derived from basic material human feces or feces. As to whether it's food? And why Japan terisnpirasi make a meal of human fecal material whereas there are many other materials that can be processed into food.

The underlying reason for the Japanese government to make food from human fecal material that Japan had problems with sewage sludge accumulated dirt diselokan although most of the waste has been discharged into the sea. So as to overcome the Japanese government should make new breakthroughs. Japanese nationals already thinking about how to overcome the food shortages that will inevitably occur in the future. For that they made a breakthrough to address the issue. That is the basic reason why Japan made a new breakthrough to make a meal from basic ingredients of human sewage.

How is the process of making food that human sewage and who managed to make it? Japan if human feces so the food and the people who managed to make the breakthrough food from human fecal waste materials is Mitsuyuki Ikeda is a scientist who comes from Okayama Laboratory. The scientists are convinced that human feces or feces contain vitamins and protein is very high so it can dimanfaatkkan as a basic ingredient of food that can be consumed by humans.

The process of fecal material in the manufacture of food it is to extract and mix with steak sauce. Results dirt extract it in the form of meat is then deposited in advance. Once deposited artificial meat was given enhancer liquid is then processed using a special tool that exploder. Mitsuyuki Ikeda has conducted research on artificial meat made from human feces and the result is that although human feces containing the bacteria, but it turns out that bacteria are not harmful to health because the body will die after the heating process in manufraktur.

In Japan there is meat made from human feces! The taste of artificial meat it was the same with beef taste and even better because in the making mixed with soy protein and zoom is the same with beef because the meat was given artificial natural dyes that are similar to the original color of beef. According to research conducted by scientists that human sewage sludge contains many substances that are good for the health of the body of which is 63% protein, 25% carbohydrate, 3% vitamin, and 9% minerals.

Food made from fecal material in the form of artificial meat steak but it feels very similar to the original steak so that consumers will not realize that they are eating steak is a steak that comes from artificial meat with fecal material or human feces. Those are some brief reviews about the food derived from basic material human sewage or feces. This breakthrough mempu challenge to overcome the food crisis if swept across the world and it was Japan managed to make a meal of stool (feces) human.


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