Tuesday 29 September 2015

9 Man Maintained and Raised by Wild Animals

So unreasonable if there are people living and raised by wild animals such as monkeys, wolves, and so forth. However, a case arose after it emerged there were 9 cases that occur in human beings where it was revealed that they had lived in the woods during which they are nurtured and raised by wild animals. Did this incident? How did it happen? Some of them kept the animals after being kidnapped, thrown away into the woods and defended by a group of animals until they all do not change the behavior of such animals to keep them. Check out the full story below.

1. Cambodia Jungle Girl
The first case experienced by a Cambodian girl who was 8 years old named Rochom P'ngieng. As he was mengembala herd of buffalo disebuah precisely village on the edge of the forest, tRochom suddenly disappeared mysteriously. 18 years since the incident, someone had seen a woman who was sneaking her house stealing rice without any clothes on his body. It turns out the woman is identified as Rochom Pingieng that has long disappeared.

He recognized because there are scars on his back. She had lived to be a 30-year-old woman who was somehow able to survive alone in the woods. Rochom P'ngieng taken back by his family fail to communicate well, finally on May 25, 2010 that he remove himself for 11 days and was found in the pit said. Sept 2010, he began to be taught about social life. However, Rochom P'ngieng prefer to stay in the stable, a chicken which is adjacent to the family's home and family always come home to eat.

2. Ukrainian Dog Girl (Oxana Malaya) Born on 4th Nov 1983
The second case experienced by a girl named Oxana Malaya Ukrainian origin. Oxana disebuah kennels abandoned by parents who do not bertannggung answer when he was 3-8 years old. Oxana then great and treated by a dog that is stable, where he left them. In 1991 when he was found, he was unable to speak at all, Oxana could only bark every talk. Oxana always running and crawling, not unlike a dog. Oxana currently has stepped age of 30 years, he has been able bit by bit to communicate with humans, although now he is mentally ill. Oxana finally accepted to work as a nurse animals in a farm field adjacent to a mental hospital where he was staying.

3. Victor of Aveyron
The third case Maintained Human and Wild Animals Raised by the next coming of a boy named Victor. Perhaps this is the most wild child among all these people who encounter wild animals living together. The story of Victor widely distributed through a film "L'Enfant Sauvage". Although its origins are still mysterious, but many people who believed Victor spent his childhood naked and alone in the woods before known to the public in 1797. After some time appeared, he finally appeared alone near Saint-Sernin-sur-Rance, France, in 1800.

4. Ugandan Monkey Boy
The fourth case occurred in a 4-year-old boy. He escaped into the jungle after seeing his mother killed by his own father named John. Reports obtained mentions that the boy had been brought up by a group of vervet monkeys forces until finally discovered in 1991. When found, then a horde of monkeys mencoaba prevented by dropping branches. Big John has now finally be able to adapt itself initially with the surrounding community.

5. Lobo Wolf Girl of Devil's River
The next case comes from a mysterious girl who seems to walk on all fours disarang wolf who was attacking a herd of goats. This incident occurred in 1845 in the city of San Felipe, Mexico. This story gained a year later when the girl was seen again, this time he was seen devouring freshly killed goat. According to stories circulating, local residents are trying to find the girl the next day and finally they managed to catch him. The girl howled all night without stopping, which eventually made the wolves come to the village to save the girl. In the end Lobo Wolf Girl of Devil's River can slip out of the cage and escape.

The girl was no longer found, until tahun1852 he was seen for the last time the wolf nursing two children on the riverbank. After that, he returned to run back into the woods and was never seen again.

6. Madina
The tragic story of Madina as Oxana Malaya. Abandoned until the time he was discovered at the age of 3 years. He lived and was raised by dogs. When we met, she could only say two words, yes and no, despite that he prefers growling like a dog. Fortunately, Madina reported physical and mental health by his doctors.

7. Amala and Kamala
Two daughters aged 8 years and 18 months, found in wolves' in 1920 in Midnapore, India. This story became a controversy because of their age are both very different, and the researchers did not consider them these brothers. Allegedly two of them have been taken by the wolves at different times. Like many other feral children, they reportedly longed to return to the wild and can not adapt to the way of human life.

8. Russian Bird Boy
Cooped up in a room surrounded by a cage of birds, a Russian child as pet birds raised by abusive parents. When he was found, he could not speak and can only bercericip like a bird. He can not communicate like a normal human being. He has been transferred to a psychological treatment center where professionals working to rehabilitate himself.

9. Peter the Wild Boy
A boy, without any clothes and hairy crawling walked out of the woods near Hameln, Germany in 1724. Eventually he was persuaded and arrested. He behaved like wild beasts and birds and choosing to eat raw vegetables even he was unable to speak. After moving to England, he was given the name Petru Wild Child. Although he never learned to speak, he loved music, doing menial work, and live to old age.


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