Wednesday 30 September 2015

happy, Because Monsters It Extinct

Is there a monster or a monster? Depending on what the definition of monster for you. If the monster is a creature whose appearance and / or his actions terrible for you, then the answer is YES, the monsters do exist!

1. Carbonemys


With a name that means "turtle carbon", what is fear of this animal? In addition he is a carnivore, measuring Carbonemys Volkswagen, have a head much larger than a soccer ball, and a razor-sharp beak that can slice other animals with ease. 

2. Arthropleura

Perhaps this is one of the more famous ancient animals in history, Arthropleura is essentially a giant millipede the size of the car. These animals crawling on the floor of an ancient forest Carbon eat decaying plants. He was a vegetarian, but it does not rule out the possibility he will bite if disturbed.

3. Brontoscorpio

The scorpion is scary, and they have been around for over 400 million years. Another thing that made the scorpion more frightening is that they never grow up, and really big. Brontoscorpio is a scorpion sting one meter with the size of the bulb. But this is a sea scorpion with gills, so it can not go on land, right? No. This ancient animals is one of the first animals that crawled out of the sea.

4. Jaekelopterus

This makes Brontoscorpio this creature looks like a small puppy. Small puppy with claws and sting the size of the bulb. While Jaekelopterus size of the crocodile with a large appetite. These animals prey on whatever is nearby. Other sea scorpions, ancient fish, ammonites ... is on their dinner menu. Jaekelopterus also is one of the largest sea scorpion ever.

5. Helicoprion

Sharks have been around the Earth for at least 400 million years and have survived many extinction. Helicoprion survived the largest mass extinction in history (Permian-Triassic extinction event). Until 2013, the fossils found from this genus only fossil tooth, which looks like a saw swivel. After the discovery of the fossil skull of a related genus eugeneodont, Ornithoprion, it is known that the circular teeth consisting of all gear produced by it in the lower jaw. as helicoprionu growing up, small teeth will be pushed to the center of the circle with the appearance of teeth larger.

6. Anomalocaris

The first Superpredator earth, Anomalocaris lived about 535-520 Million Years Ago, and truly gigantic in comparison with the other animals that live around it - Palaeontologists say the animal is 10 times bigger than anything else around. With a length of 50cm - 2 meters, this carnivorous animal is a long top predators, hunting almost everything he can overcome, including trilobites.

Despite being the pinnacle of the food chain for a while, Anomalocaris and its namesake family (Anomalocarids) is part of the missing lines of 'experimental evolution' Cambrian Period. They can not survive in the Ordovician Period, and they seem to have been replaced by predatory arthropods such superior Eurypterids and True Arachnid Scorpions. Even so, in his time, Anomalocaris is the king of the sea, and the only other creatures on this planet that is feared by other Anomalocaris Anomalocaris only.

There are fossil specimens preserved, and they are amazing to see, given that they are 300 million years older than any dinosaur and seems to have been 'saved well' by nature for us to know in detail.

7. Plumonoscorpius

Other giant scorpions. Again, this frightening animals have returned to their large size in an atmosphere rich in oxygen from the Carboniferous period. Grows with the size of their ancient uncle, Brontoscorpio, Plumonoscorpius has a stinger smaller, but very greedy. Fortunately for the fish that period because Plumonoscorpius fully terrestrial.

8. Cameroceras

Imagine a mythical monster Kraken. Then insert it into a cone-shaped shield. You get Cameroceras. Ancient giant that is the ancestor of the squid and octopus is moving slowly because of its shell which is over 12 meters. Nonetheless, he was strong enough to kill the scorpion sea and ancient predatory fish.

9. Kaprosuchus

Crocodile certainly quite daunting. They hunt in rivers and lakes, stay in shallow water to catch prey, but they are rarely far from the water. Enter Kaprosuchus, whose name means "crocodile pig" because long teeth. It is like a killing machine as long as six meters that could all fields. Kaprosuchus can do anything that can be done crocodiles. Go in the water, wait, strike etc., but also able to walk on land. Oh, and he could also kill dinosaurs.

10. Titanoboa

Snakes today are usually quite small. The biggest is the green anaconda. The longest is the reticulated python. Titanoboa will eat them as a snack. With a length of over 12 meters, this snake along the size of T. Rex and manga usually consist of giant crocodiles and turtles that share its territory. Fortunately for Tyrannosaurus, Titanoboa lived after the extinction of the dinosaurs, and the power in the earth as did the dinosaurs before them

11. Livyatan melvillei
This will create a giant whale shark Megalodon cry. Megalodon was a giant shark with teeth the size of your hand. The Pope beat it. Livyatan named as the monster mentioned in the Bible, one of God's own mustard is said to be to kill him. Livyatan have teeth that are longer than the legs. He grew bigger than Megalodon. He was hunted almost everything such as baleen whales, beaked whales, dolphins, sharks, sea turtles, seals and seabirds. Melvillei Livyatan is extinct whale species that lived during the physeteroid Serravallian stage of the Miocene, about 13-12juta years ago.


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