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Monday 5 October 2015

Seven Brothers Have Long Hair

The second strange family was also from America, this family does not have strange rules such as the family discussed earlier, and thus has no less unique peculiarities of the previous family, which had long hair up to foot like Rapunzel.Sutherland brothers consisting of 7 women and 1 man named Charles was born between 1851 and 1865 among rural farming communities of Cambria, New York.
In an effort to get out of poverty, their father Rev. Fletcher Sutherland 'plunge' into the world of show business. Armed with their singing talent.

However, after they joined the company circus Barnum & Bailey and dubbed 'The Seven Most Pleasing Wonders of the World' or the 7 wonders of the nicest in the world, the manager of the circus realize their appeal instead of singing, but of long hair held seventh.

"Although the show they brought the songs of the church, seriosa, and ballads got a warm welcome, but long hair girls look more attractive," said Brandon.

Saturday 3 October 2015

Magically, In Place This Time Stop Running

Miraculously, in this place time stops running. Is that true? Many people who want youthful despite his age has increased. In Nogoro is in a village in southern Japan has realized the dream of eternal youth. In a small village that everyone will still look as though it has been 52 years. Is it true? What's the secret?

Alert! Similar initially Thrush, Turns Deadly

Alert! Initially like thrush, it turns deadly. Is that true? There are many different types of diseases that exist in this world and has undergone many developments are quite high because of the poor condition of natural and unhealthy lifestyle. Thrush is a type of disease that is still fairly mild and often suffered by many people because of eating food that contains the oil and it turns out there are some types of the deadly disease whose symptoms are similar to canker disease you know ...

Similar initially Thrush, Turns Deadly. This is the explanation!
Now it has been widely found in various types of deadly diseases suffered by the majority of people in this world. The deadly disease has been progressing quite high that many people can not distinguish the symptoms or early signs of the disease.

A disease that often affects most people are canker sores and it turns out you need to be alert to this disease. Thrush is practically not a deadly disease category and usually recovers in the not too distant future. If you have sores that do not heal for a long time then you should immediately see a doctor, because there is a deadly disease like thrush, so people do not realize the presence of the deadly disease.

Sprue disease is usually characterized by sores on the tongue, sores in the mouth around the wall area, and injuries to the gums. On pain thrush, the area around the wound will soften while if a deadly disease if touched on the area around the wound will harden. So you can distinguish the symptoms of the deadly disease despite the symptoms are similar to canker sores.

Alert deadly canker sores, according to Dr. IBTjakra Authority Manuaba, there is a deadly disease whose symptoms almost similar to canker disease. The deadly disease is a cancer of the tongue. Differences in symptoms of cancer with sprue disease, namely:

- In the area surrounding the disease canker sores such as the tongue and mouth will be soft to the touch, but if it is a deadly disease that is cancer, the area around the wound will harden if touched.

- In his sprue disease will move while on his cancer disease will be in one place does not move.

- At sprue disease recover quickly, while the deadly disease do not heal.

- Injuries to the sprue disease will not be enlarged, while the deadly disease will get bigger wound and swelling.

That is some information about the differences in the symptoms of canker disease and fatal disease that you can learn as reference material. Deadly disease whose symptoms resemble canker is a disease that is cancer of the oral cavity cancer. Oral cavity cancer is a cancer that attacks the oral cavity such as the tongue, gums, palate, floor of the mouth, cheeks, and the back of the oral cavity.

There are several causes of oral cancer are:

1. The condition of the oral cavity is not clean so much bacteria growing quickly in it.

2. The habit of smoking is high.

3. Consume alcoholic beverages in the long term.

4. Using the dentures are not good quality, there is a section of false teeth that can pierce parts of the mouth and gums that can lead to injuries which could be fatal if irritation occurs.

That is some information about diseases of the oral cavity cancer who have early symptoms such as mouth sores, so Beware! Initially like thrush, turns deadly.

Turns 35,000 Years Ago Not Primitive Man

Many relics are saying that tens of years ago, human beings still in a primitive state. Because the shelter moving and still objects using makeshift tools. But it turns out 35,000 years ago humans are not primitive, it is also based on evidence that has been found.

Turns 35,000 Years Ago Not Primitive Man, How Can?
This statement stems from the discovery of Chauvet Cave. The cave is located deep in the Ardeche Gorge in the south of France. This area is still rarely accessed by the public because the location is very hidden. Entering the French caves where people lived 35,000 years ago is impressive.

Glittering stalactites and stalagmites make this cave more beautiful. Especially with images that are in the walls of the cave. The image is made from scratches stone with ornate red flowers and coal. And suspected the painting there are about 20,000 to 35,000 years ago.

Full cave paintings discovered on December 18, 1994 by the three explorers, namely Cristian Hilaire, Eliette Deschamps and Jean Chauvet. After this discovery, the cave is closed to the general public.

There are hundreds of paintings in the cave. Motive is shaped prey animals, such as horses, bears, lions, and ibex (mountain goat-like animals). The paintings look very sophisticated. Humans first used stone reliefs to add shadow effects, shapes, and to express a lot of other things. There are more than 400 animals on the painting. However, it is possible there are many images that can be found there.

Age tens of thousands of years to make the painting becomes vulnerable to damage. By karenana, ordinary people are not allowed to enter this cave. To protect it, we conducted rekronstruksi efforts up until now in the Chauvet cave. If the place is open to the public, it will cause contamination. The temperature of the faster growing, but it also disrupted the climate balance. This will create a painting on cave walls changed.

It turned out to be obtained from existing experience. Lascaux caves are found in the southwestern part of the state of France in 1940. Then, for more than 20 years from the discovery, the cave was opened to the public and the millions of visitors thronged to see the cave paintings in it. This gives rise to bacteria and fungi so that the paintings suffered severe damage. Finally the Lascaux cave was closed permanently.

Researchers who peertama entered in Lascaux cave, containing prehistoric paintings is an art expert palaeolitic, namely Jean Clottes. He is believed to oversee the work in this cave and became committee chairman in making a replica of the cave.

Clottes provide a statement which is quite surprising. He says that man cave dwellers in puluan thousand years ago is not the primitive man. He also added that modern humans like us there are about 200,000 years ago, so for 35,000 years is not much time. In conclusion, 35,000 years ago human beings are not primitive.

Clottes believe that this cave is a spiritual place for humans antiquity to collect food and hunted them. It is also believed that the paintings of animals on the walls of the two has a magical element to them.

Clottes said that the human life span is not long. But the painting suggests that they are not the primitive man. Because they have a religion and artists. They are quite close to us, modern humans. They also have intelligence that is almost the same with us when seen from the way they make the paintings.

Chauver cave is one of the relics that can indicate the level of human kerativitas past and the reason that turns out 35,000 years ago humans are not primitive.

5 People Living Trust to Date

Death is a sure thing to be experienced by every living creature in this world, and most people believe that there is life after having died, but there are 5 people were believed still alive to this day even though they have been declared dead. Who was the 5th this person?

This is list 5 People Living Trust to Date
It appeared in this world many who believe that there are 5 people who are still alive today despite the 5th person had been declared dead. Who was the 5th this person? Here's a list of 5 people believed still alive up to now:

1. Elvis Presley
Elvis Presley was a star Rock N 'Roll who has been declared dead. However, there is the mysterious story of the star's funeral ceremony, the father of Elvis named Vernon said he did not see clearly that the bodies that were in the coffin is that his body was Elvis Presley. Given the description of the star the Rock N 'Roll is believed to be still alive today.

2. Jim Morrison
Jim Morrison is the lead singer of the band The Doors. In 1971, precisely in March, Jim decided to leave the United States and settled in Paris. In this city he wants to finish the poem, but Jim did not get to finish his poem because rumored to have died. There are some peculiarities of the death of lead singer of The Doors is that there is no clear results of the autopsy, the funeral is done in a hurry, no one ever saw Jim's body even a friend of the band also never saw his body. One more thing that is quite astonishing is that after a few days funerals Jim performed, there are some people who see the figure Jim middle boarding a plane to leave Paris. So Jim Morrison is a person who is still alive today.

3. Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler is a popular figure during World War II. In 1968, the government claimed that Adolf Hitler had died by the discovery of two corpses were hit by a bomb. Dental identification of the body was found that one of the bodies that constitute the body of Adolf Hitler. But the clarity and truth of identification is still a mystery for a conference in Potsdam, Stalin Josept has claimed that Adolf Hitler had left Germany to go to Spain or Argentina.

4. Tupac Shakur
One of the people who are alive today are Tipac Shakur. Tipac is a rapper from the United States. He is said to have died as a result of being shot while he was driving. Many argue that this is just a rap singer murder conspiracy and truth of his death have also been refracted, so many loyal fans who amsih considers his idol is still alive today.

5. Alexander I
Alexander I was a king from Russia and he has expressed to the family and his closest friends that he would release the crown and palace. In 1825, Alexander went to the Crimea in the framework of the inspection and on the way he expressed died suddenly due to malaria and pneumonia. Alexander's body was wrapped very tightly and put in small crates. Many people are of the opinion that his death is false and he has lowered his throne secretly. In 1925, the Soviet Union opened the tomb of Alexander and inside the tomb was not discovered any bodies.

That is some information about the 5 people believed still alive to this day even though they have been declared dead.

This is the Cause of Your Face Older than Age

Everyone wants a face younger than his age, especially for women. Ageless will make us more confident. However, not everyone can get this durability. Wrinkles on the face will arise around the eyes in the form of fine lines. Therefore it is necessary to know the cause of your face older than his actual age.

9 Cause your face older than age

1. Cigarettes and alcohol
Cigarettes and alcohol are made from materials that are harmful to the body, be it nicotine atupun liquor. So can lead to a variety of mild to severe illness. When the body is sick, there will be a lot of wrinkles around the face, and the body looks unhealthy like an old man. Therefore, cigarettes and alcohol can cause rapid face look older than age actually means.

2. Pillow
Everyone has their own habits regarding sleep position. Some people sleep supine position, tengkuran, or tilted. When we sleep on his side then face will hit the pillow attaches even overnight. This will form lines on the face and will develop into wrinkles.

3. Begadang
The bed is one important requirement for everyone. Why face look older at a young age? If this requirement is not met, it will form dark circles under the eyes. Not only that, will form wrinkles in the eye area and the other faces. Thus making us look older.

4. Foundation
There are some people who feel insecure without foundation when you meet people. However, this should be a concern. The use of more white foundation make wrinkles more noticeable. Especially if we are over 30 years old. Therefore, choose a darker foundation or matching the color of our skin.

5. Drink bottles and straws
Drinks bottle and a straw can help us in any condition or activity because it can be taken practically. However, it turns out it can make wrinkles more and more because when drinking, the muscle will move repeatedly to form fine lines.

6. Television
Increasingly berkembanganya times, making many TV shows that attract weeks to watch. Lazing by watching TV can make the face of growing older. The study in 2011 said that watching TV more than 6 hours or hours will shorten the 4.8 years of age. Additionally, when watching TV, the body lack of movement that can lead to obesity which make our face look older.

7. Expression
Wrinkles can also be caused by our facial expressions. If we often express everything with a face it will form fine lines. Wrinkles will appear at the corners of the eyes and forehead that cause the face to look older than their actual age.

8. Air conditioning
Technological developments make almost smeua room in the building or bangungan equipped with air conditioning to keep the room cool. This makes a lot of people like when they're in the air-conditioned room. However, this can make dry skin causing wrinkles lines on the face.

9. Lack of water
White water has many benefits for health and beauty. Skin needs water to maintain moisture. When the body is deprived of water, the skin will become dry and eventually add wrinkles on the face. Therefore, perbanyaklah drinking mineral water about 10 to 12 glasses per day.

So 9 cause your face older than the original. Cause of the above can be used as a lesson so that we can anticipate with various solutions.

7 Unique and Interesting Facts on Mondays

What comes to your mind when thinking about Monday? Or do you do when you wake up and understand that today is Monday? Certainly generally immediately think to start his routine.

Generally people start Monday with complaining and put a face sullen moment must face their habits back. Beyond that, some people assume that Monday meaningful vacation and relax when they should be finished at the end of the week, and they must begin to bustle and habits that is definitely boring. The one argument why Monday is often referred to Monday Blues.

Some people often late when must go to the office, a traffic jam here and there on Monday morning. As well do you know if most people will not work efficiently on Monday. This sort of thing is often also known as syndrome meaning Monday.

Here are some unique and interesting facts on Monday.

1. Most people are not much of a smile until 11:30

A study done by Marmite from England, reported that people - those who live in the southeast side is the location of the happiest, the person - the person who ultimately solve their first smile at 11. 06 hours in the day on Monday. Being of people - those who live in the East Midlands region is the most moody society because we are only going to see their first smile at the 11th hour 33 noon.

2. How to start Monday Neither is Watching TV

Five steps most preferred to deal with the syndrome on Monday that the steps:

Watching TV ;
Make love;
Online Shopping manner;
Buy chocolate or make-up for some women;
Planned vacation.

3. 50% more office workers come late

The office where we work will not tolerate any delay us with any argument, even for a Monday syndrome! Same thing with school and our teachers who will not tolerate when we came in late. But however, some researchers report that people generally feel heavy to start Monday until becoming 50% of office employees would arrive late on Monday.

4. Most people often complain on Monday

This sort of show how much they do not like on Monday.

5. The workers will only produce active for three hours and a half on Monday

Monday is the day that at least efficient to work. Some workers will only work with a productive manner throughout the three 1/2 hours in one day.

6. On Monday adala days at most suicides

The body of the Office for National Statistics in the UK reported a study that says that Monday is the day in which takes place the problem of suicide the most. Some 16% of men and 17% of women choose to do suicide on Monday. Suicide being a problem only at the end of the week was reported by 13% only.

7. Experiencing Heart Attack

The British Medical Journal reported that on Monday took place a heart attack 2% more dibandingkann with other days of the week. Triggers a heart attack may have been caused by a sense of stress faced and rising blood insistence on Monday due to demand for the return to work.

5 Mystery unsolved

Everyone must be curious and always seek out the truth Umbes something considered Myths, superstitions, or merely Story controversy. Indeed, not a few who managed to unfold with sophisticated technology and accurate idea of Man. But, what if there are several Antiquity Remaining Mystery solved until now? Hmm, quite interesting. Starting from a boy who read the book to burn, until tragedy ghost ship SS Ourang Medan is still a world Mystery waters to date. Well, this time there are 5 Mystery solved yet and is still being debated by many people. Ready? Yuk deh we Listen here.

1. Caoline Walter
The first mystery is opened with the tragedy that occurred in Germany in 1867. Tells Umbes a girl named Caroline Walker who died in AGE 16 years. In memory of Caroline, laulis sister asked a carpenter to build a stone niisanikuus with the size scale Same with Caroline. Once completed, Over 148 years there is always a mysterious figure who put a bunch of flowers on top of tombstones Without nobody knows who the person.

2. Hinterkaifeck
Still from Germany, is no longer a mystery that still lingers on the mysterious murder of a family. Andreas Gruber, his wife Cazilla, as well as their widowed daughter and her two children were killed in 1922 without ever discovered who the perpetrators responsible.

But, there is a note that says that before the family was killed, each of them the same bad feeling as if they're haunted. Not only that, the note also mentioned that they heard the sound of wild animals and footprints in the snow.

There's only one item of evidence left at the scene. In addition to the ax used to kill, the smell of smoke from the chimney burning smell was quite strong. Until now, still no one has been able to explain who and what the purpose of the record of the death of the family Gruber.

3. Tragedi YOGTZE

Gunther Stoll is a food scientist, before he died in 1984. Gunther always told me that 'they' were chasing him. Because Gunther intent is not clear, she is not too take it seriously. On the eve of his death, Gunther who was with his wife suddenly shouted, "jetzt geht mir auf ein licht !," which roughly means, "now I understand," and wrote YOGTZE in a chair.
Who knows Gunther writing about YOGTZE mean?

Then he walked to his car and went to his car. At about 3 am, his body was found dead in a car volkswagen. Investigation also revealed that Gunther tried to escape after he was injured because it was hit by another car. One mystery has not been revealed, whom 'they' referred Gunther and what YOGTZE

4. The Man of Fire, Benedetto Supino

In 1982, a boy named Benedetto Supino coming from Spain was fun-fun read superhero comics, before it burned.

In fact, a lot of strange things happen when he is asleep. Such as bed linen hers burst into flames, and electronic gadgets that suddenly turns on automatically. Researchers have not been able to solve why it all happened.

Many speculations say that Benedetto had special powers. Only, he was not able to control the powers that until all the strange things often happen when he is sleeping soundly.

5. SS Ourang Medan
This is the mystery of the haunted ship that becomes myth gripped the world's waters. On June 1947, the ship began to wade through the waters of the Malacca and start sending strange signals to some ships around Sumatra.

In a message sent to several boats, one sound was trying to call for help. "All officers dead including our captain. The possibility of all the crew are dead, "something like that message is heard before emerging a pause and the last words sounded pretty awful.

"I'm dead," was the last message came from the signal. Then an American ship, Silver Star, decided to check it out before they find everyone on the ship was already in a state of lifeless and their hands looked like to grab something.
Even when the ship was brought back to the nearest port, they found that the lowest part of the ship was already on fire. The crew aboard the Silver Star then immediately turn it off before the entire ship exploded. Until now, no one knows what exactly happened. Or, if they know, perhaps the witnesses do not want us to know the real story?

Ghost mystery behind the aircraft numbered 401

Pas 42 th. past or December 29, 1972, an aircraft carrier Eastern Airlines jetliner Tri-Star in an accident. Plane flight number 401 was originally landed at Miami International Airport from New York Airport. But when landing, the wheels suddenly did not play a role. Airplanes crashing in mainland Everglades, Florida, approximately 30 km. of the runway Miami.

As taken from liputan6. com, caused the accident, some 101 people were killed. Shortly 75 others survived. The incident is so original story ghost plane flight.

Prefix, parts of aircraft flight 401, which still plays a role used for new aircraft components. In the new aircraft horror events often take place. The pilot and passengers often see the shadow spirit 401 Eastern Airlines flight crew.

Ever event someone to talk with ghosts pilot Captain Loft while flying the plane. The interpreter fly the prefix not aware if it is someone who is not there. He just understood after, the captain's spirit suddenly disappeared. Then, the pilot and copilot of fear and canceled flights.

Mythical stories someone had also faced female passenger. He acknowledged see figure mysterious man sitting beside him. Pale-faced and silent. But again, the man in the know of similar face Loft captain disappeared.

There is another story of the appearance of Captain Loft successful lifesaving some pilots, crew and passengers. Moments before the aircraft, Loft shadow appears from inside a glass cabinet and tell the whole crew to remove passengers. "Be careful there's a fire on the plane," he said.

Most of minutes ago, pilots find no problems in aircraft engines. Some crews then follow the spirit Loft appeal and asking everyone in the plane out. The aircraft also canceled flown.

After receiving several reports of horror stories, The airline took the decision to call a psychic as well as check on the plane. Based on the expert reference supernatural, it was determined that the remaining components of woe aircraft 401 flight, was issued. The last story is told again in a book and movie called The Ghost of Flight 401 on th. 1978.

Equality between Madman and Genius

You know, the memory loss and is not thick Genius has its limits? At least so the results of scientific studies based in Stockholm, Sweden, Karolinska Institute.

The findings published in the scientific journal The Local page mentions that in some cases, the working system of brain genius brain have in common with the mentally ill or patients scizofrenia.

"We have studied the human brain as well as one type of receptor called Dopamine. Here the dopamine system seems people are very creative, as well as dopamine Scizofrenia patients," said Dr. Fredrick Ullen, the researcher who led the study.

This research, he said, so the proof that there is no definite limit to human genius as well as the loss of memory. Only one thing is the bright way to distinguish between them, he said, just creativity.
Prominent among the equation being the brains of memory loss as well as the genius that is both both have low strength in filtering information it receives. State, said Ullen, open enormous opportunities for the emergence of creative thinking.

  Lots of info that goes without passing screening, judged, has the potential to create new logics difficult displayed by the human brain normally.

"Thinking outside the box (out of the box), can take place because the brain power that is not intact,
"Added Ullen like taken The Local. Maybe it also causes people who have great ideas, even great discoveries also sometimes mentioned memory loss, memory loss because of such great thoughts and discoveries that can change the world.

Amethyst fruit More Dangers of Narcotics

Did you know that the cone-shaped fruit can make people drunk? yes obviously because the fruit is more dangerous effects of narcotics such as marijuana because it can be intoxicating to 3 days 3 nights do not realize that if you do not believe you can try and meet this fruit hehe: D

Why does this fruit more dangerous effects of marijuana? Because these fruits contain alkaloids kmia compound. The compound consists of atropine, hyoscyamine and scopolamine which is antikholinergik. so these compounds can make people drunk when eating. Amethyst is known as a plant that negative effect. Trumpet-shaped flowers of plants that is often misused, it is mindless and this fruit contains crystalline meti which has a relaxing effect on striated muscle.

But in addition to the negative effects of this plant also has a positive value. Since the first Chinese community use as a drug amethyst salesma or flu. In India this plant is also believed to increase sexual power and also to relieve asthma and toothache.

Well to note from this plant can use poisoning side effects that may occur, according to an expert on plants that use cone-shaped leaves are simply crushed and placed on the forehead can make people drunk. That is why, we have to be careful in the use kecebung though rarely find these plants around us. but to date these crops have not been eradicated as a narcotic by the government.
Well it is a danger for human cone-shaped fruit of this article may benefit us all.

5 Characteristics People Have Indra to Six

The characteristics of people have a sixth sense - as creatures of God's most excellent we are also as human beings is the champion started from birth because we are only one cell that is successful so the shape of the prime of so many millions of cells, although sometimes there (sorry) born in a situation not prime or not the complete limbs, but do not ever see them with your eyes behind the door because there are definitely drawbacks of excellence she had had, that we may not recognize. Likewise, in the matter of the supernatural, of so many humans who roam this earth there must be people who have a sense of the 6th or forces beyond the reasonable limits even possible that you are also one of them.

Here are 5 characteristic feature of People Have Sense Into 6:

1. Never naturally dream and become a fact, the dream is true that our view about the time that has not lasted, our sixth sense that may be lost by lust, can only warn us through the brain as well as realize the warning through dreams.

2. Feel there is something close to you even though at the time you are just yourself, then you may indeed not alone, in fact there are other creatures that may increasingly be one, is near you, they may actually want to speak and greet with you, but generally of them even toying with your feelings until you finished the creeps, now creeps it actually is a form of protection naturally you through the aura that repel guests are not invited before, the greater your courage, so the stronger your aura to drive them, as well as flavor creeps was also increasingly lost.

3. In specific situations we felt there was a / a thing we noticed, but when in look nothing anyone. For the 2nd time we also believe that the real you is indeed considered by something, perhaps a relative who is not there, our neighbors from other realms, as well as some of the castaways who were visiting near you. Can also evil magic that is indeed sent to you and others.

4. Deja vu is the feeling of believing that you have experienced or seen the actual conditions you had just experienced. You feel as if the moment was already in progress or recur. This experience is usually accompanied by a sense of familiarity, spooky or weird. Deja vu is generally associated with a dream, but sometimes there is a possibility that such a thing is indeed underway in earnest when then .. deja vu convey the spirit of knowledge that is the side of the leaking supernatural vision, which should not come out ... but it was forced out by the innate abilities a, and create a feeling that is not familiar to us, even though we've experienced it once was, the feeling that comes from our own view, the true memorial will be the arrival of that day (time deja vu we feel) is caught by the sixth sense, senses it is actually trying to inform us, but to no avail, until the time we actually experienced it, feeling that vision will be an overabundance of us feels natural to the events of 2 x. Kesimpulanya, deja vu free will means the sixth sense to ensure pilihanya, he does not want to be controlled by the laws of nature, and he was waiting for her who has to train and veil membebaskanya of shackles.

5. When we notice a thing without blinking, we will catch the rays that surrounds it, but when observed back, rays had also disappeared. Know that the light that surrounds the solid objects in your view was that aura / prana that surrounds it, you can ask questions on expert aura or meditation expert who have experience.

Swallowing Live Fish Therapy For Asthma Treatment in India

A child choking and -menggeliat when he was given the treatment of asthma. This child is not given modern medical treatments such as pills or inhalers, but was forced to swallow the fish alive.

Every year, thousands of Indians marched queuing to swallow slimy sea creatures. For them there is nothing wrong with the treatment of asthma, because this therapy has been done hundreds of years ago. Some asthma sufferers gather every June next to the city of Hyderabad.

Flocking they come there to swallow fish that contain yellow herb sauce. They expect, this treatment can help to breathe more easily. This therapy is administered by the Bathini Goud family. They use a secret herbal formula that is scaled down from generation to generation, only for family members.

Live fish squirming when inserted herbal paste. Some family members Bathini then put the fish into a patient's throat. Sometimes finger is inserted deeper to convince the fish that had been dropped from the throat of the patient.

To avoid choking, a therapist pinch the patient's nose, and giving a little massage on the neck. This recipe is a family secret that will not be disclosed. This family says, they get it from a saint in 1845.

The herbal medicine is inserted into the mouth of sardines life, can also fish Murrel. The fish are five centimeters in length was slid into the patient's throat. Not infrequently to make them vomit.

This family has always maintained throat clearing therapy with these fish. This therapy has been permanently treat asthma and other respiratory problems, provided the treatment is given for at least three years.

After swallowing a fish treatment, the patient was told to do a strict diet for 45 days. Thousands of people take to the roads of all India for free treatment for two days. They set a date by the beginning of the rainy season every June.

Various ways are used patient so that the fish escaped from their throats. This sort of thing shows, therapy is not as easy as it seems. Parents often force her son, who was crying on the spot treatment, to open the mouth. While the other one is using the technique pinch the nose, or eyes shut while swallowing the small fish.

A girl looks to escape, she was scolded by her parents because avoiding to swallow the fish. Human rights groups and some doctors complained about this treatment because it was considered unscientific and unhygienic, all claims were rejected by Bathini family.

However, not everyone seems to agree. Indian government even set up a special train to where this fish treatment every year. Plus the deployment of police to control the crowd.

Friday 2 October 2015

Do Consumption 9 Foods When Empty Stomach

Health is a very important thing, one way to keep them healthy is to pay attention to the food and beverages we consume, especially if in a state of stomach kososng then do this consumption when the stomach is empty. Foods and beverages that are prohibited to consume on an empty stomach?

This is 9 Type of Food! Do Consumption It When Empty Stomach
Body health is strongly influenced by the foods and drinks that have been consumed by the body. An empty stomach body will be prone to various kinds of stomach ailments caused if the wrong foods or drinks such as ulcers, mules, diarrhea, and others. What foods are prohibited consumed on an empty stomach? Do not consume food and drinks on an empty stomach:

1. Soda
Carbonated drinks are acidic carbonated beverages containing high enough, if acid is mixed with stomach acid will cause various health problems such as nausea and abdominal discomfort.

2. Tomatoes

The tomato is a fruit rich in vitamin C because it has a fairly high acid content. If the tomatoes consumed on an empty stomach, the acids in the fruit will react with stomach acid so that it will form a soluble gel that can cause various health problems stomach.

3. Drugs
A doctor always advise patients to take medicine that is already prescribes after eating, the reason is drug taken in an empty stomach can cause irritation of the stomach lining but it also can increase the levels of acid in the stomach that can cause an imbalance of the body.

4. Spicy foods
Spicy food is a favorite food of Indonesian people, but do not ever eat these foods when the stomach is empty because an empty stomach gastric acid content increased and reaction with spicy food will cause various health problems such as diarrhea, acute abdomen. So do not eat it when the stomach is empty, yes ..

5. Coffee
Drinks to avoid an empty stomach is coffee. This drink is a drink that has a lot of fans because of its taste delicious, but you should be aware of the caffeine content in coffee because it is not good for the stomach empty. If you want to drink coffee but an empty stomach, then you should drink a glass of water beforehand so that the stomach may neutralize caffeine coffee.

6. Tea
Tea is also a beverage that should be avoided when the stomach is empty. The reason is evidently these drinks contain substances that have higher levels of acid that when taken on an empty stomach will affect the levels of stomach acid that can make abdominal pain and even heartburn.

7. Yogurt
Yogurt is one of the healthy foods that are good for digestion the body, but these foods should not be consumed when the stomach is empty. Why? because these foods contain high enough levels of acid that can cause increased levels of acid in the stomach. It can cause health problems in the stomach such as abdominal pain.

8. Bananas

If you eat bananas in kedaan empty stomach, it can increase the levels of magnesium in the body. Increasing magnesium suddenly can cause an imbalance between the magnesium with calcium in the blood.

9. Sweet Potatoes
One of the foods that should be avoided on an empty stomach is sweet potato because these foods contain tannin and pectin substances that can stimulate the stomach to secrete excess stomach acid. This can cause the stomach to be heartburn.

That is some information about foods and drinks that should be avoided when the stomach is empty because it can cause health problems that do not consume the stomach when the stomach is empty.

4 Reasons To Believe Islam As True Religion

Muslims are the greatest people in the world and they have to trust the truth of the teachings of Islam that has been brought by the Prophet Muhammad with their hearts and reasons to believe in Islam is a very personal thing for everyone. However, it is an answer that those who believed and believe that that has created the earth and its contents is Allah. Actually a lot of reasons that can be described why a lot of people who believe in the teachings of Islam as the true teachings and can lead them to the true God, Allah SWT. What are the reasons?

This is a reason to believe in Islam
Islam is a religion that has been brought by the Prophet Muhammad and this doctrine has been believed by millions of human beings on this earth. The contents of Islamic teachings is contained in the holy book Quran is the word of Allah to all His servants as guidance of their lives in this world. Why believe in Islam? There are several compelling reasons why mankind to believe the truth of the teachings of Islam, here is why:

1. The teachings of Islam can be verified
All the teachings of Islam either about God who created the earth and its contents, the existence of angels, prayer, and worship is equipped with a clear and logical argument. Islam is not only forcing any of his people to believe just this teaching without accompanied by a detailed and logical explanation that can be captured by the human mind. The truth of the teachings of Islam as stated in the Qur'an has been proven true and even contributed a lot in the development of world science.

2. The teachings of Islam is not based on the experiences of people who have died
Islam is a religion that is not based on the experiences of people have died, but Islam instead invite everyone to find his own experience in life is to believe in Allah. In Islam has mentioned that every truth will come up with some way or other and tested in this world.

3. There is no conflict of Islam with science
None of the contradiction between the teachings of Islam with science, even the teachings of Islam is a source of knowledge and even to this day people still studying the contents of the Qur'an to explain the science in the world.

4. Truth contents of the holy book of Islam, namely the Qur'an
Should believe in Islam? Islamic teachings can be attested to the truth of the Qur'an. Here are some facts about the contents of the Qur'an, namely:

• Creation in pairs
Not only human beings were created by God in pairs but all the matter in the entire universe. It has been mentioned in the Qur'an. A scientist from the UK, namely Paul Dirac has conducted research on the matter in this world and studies proved that all the material in the world is created in pairs. Thanks to these findings then in 1933 Paul Dirac was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics.

• The orbits in the solar system
In the Qur'an has mentioned that God created day and night, sun and moon are in orbit respectively. All the celestial bodies can coexist based on each orbit.

• Basic sea very dark
The Qur'an has mentioned that the oceans have a very dark base. Based on human studies could only dive at depths less than 40 meters without specialized equipment, at a depth of 200 meters rare presence of light, and at a depth of 1000 meters is not found any light at all.

That is some information about the reasons to believe in Islam and all the reasons it is logical and can be explained scientifically.

Turns Ice Age Life Still Underway in China

Ice age is an era that has long been lost along with the changing times, but it turns the life of an ice age is still going on in China. These findings are surprising because after all this time missing it turns out the ice age to the present life of the ice is still there. How is life current ice age?

This is evidence of the ongoing life of the ice age in China
Ice age is an age where the earth at that time experienced a drastic drop in temperature so that the layer of earth covered by a layer of ice. The cause of the ice age is due to aerosol layer which often have cooling and coming on the earth. In the ice age is only a certain living creatures are able to survive. One of the most popular living beings living in an ice age is mammoth. Ie the last ice age about 20,000 years ago and ended at around 10,000 years ago. The termination of the ice age was triggered by the melting of ice due to geothermal.

Ice age has come to an end this turned out to be estimated to exist in China is precisely in the deepest caves. This is evidenced by the growth of the ice age found in China's deepest cave. Inside these caves have been found fragments of ice age surviving as a small plant that has lived ice age. Small plants which have been found it is expected to present the life of the ice age 30,000 years ago.

The discovery of this ice age in China is based on research that has been conducted by researchers from the Chinese Academy of Science. They have identified seven species of nettle they had found in the province and also Guaxi and Yunan Province. This nettle is found in places that are very dark and rarely exposed to sunlight. In the tavern of the province should be found tropical plants but plants nettles they found not a tropical plant because it can live well in dark places without getting sunlight. This nettle is one proof of the persistence of the life of the ice age that still exist in China.

According to existing research, nettle is a plant that has a chance of survival in a dark place only 0.02% only. So that nettle which have been found to not be a nettle that comes from life today. The possibility that there is a nettle that has been discovered that it is a plant the rest of the life of the ice age and it shows that life has existed ice age to the present, China is in the cave and it shows that the cave in China is still like an ice age.

Nettle discovery of this type can allow that this plant has been living in an ice age. The rest of the life of the ice age on the planet that there is a cave and this nettle. But it is possible that they have discovered nettle is a nettle that has evolved so that it can survive in the dark and does not get sunlight. But the discovery of nettle cave is still quite a young age to support the evolution of the nettle. Age cave was estimated one million years, so if true nettle has experienced the evolution of the evolution of the nettle is an evolution of the fastest in the world.

Researchers have explained that the evolution that has occurred in the nettles they had found the most rapid evolution, so that they will investigate this matter further to obtain more accurate conclusions.

That is some information about the ice age have been discovered life is still going on in China, which is the deepest cave discovery of nettles in China.

This is the action Crazy Baby Healing trampled in India

Until now it has been found so many diverse healing methods ranging from traditional to modern, but there is one crazy stunts healing baby being trampled in India and even this method has been run by the people of India for years. Methods of healing this one sounds very strange and even very crazy because this method can membayahakan safety of the baby. How crazy stunts healing methods in India?

There Action Crazy Baby Healing trampled in India
There are so many treatment methods that have been developed in various parts of the world such as the methods of acupuncture, cupping, or other treatment methods. As time, the method of treatment has undergone significant changes and is now better known methods of medical treatment and based on science. Current treatment methods are more sophisticated and are equipped with sophisticated perelatan anyway so with the development of science can shift the traditional treatment methods are less effective in treating various diseases.

Although this method of treatment has progressed quite rapidly, but there are still many people who prefer traditional medicine because they are considered more natural and less expensive when compared to modern treatment methods. Each method of treatment in each country has their individual differences, one method of treatment that a lot of attention the world is crazy and bizarre way to cure babies in India.

Because the treatment methods of the most extreme in the world is a method of treatment of India. Methods of treatment in India is using the method to cure babies underfoot. This method is believed to cure the baby from the disease cough and sore throat. Every baby is having problems throat and cough, the doctor will tread this baby right in the neck. If considered more observant anymore then this method can endanger the life of the baby. Surprisingly this method has bottomed and has even been used by doctors to cure the problems of the throat and cough in infants.

Crazy way of healing babies in India is done by putting the babies who develop cough and throat problems on the floor, then a doctor will be stepping with both feet is a foot on the neck of the baby and the other foot stepped on the baby's upper thighs. It is very extreme and looks even more skewed in the torture of the treatment. If ordinary people who see it will be concluded that they do not treat even add to the suffering and torment sick baby.

Crazy methods of healing babies trampled from India can not be verified medically, even this method can membayahakan safety of the baby if the person who stepped on this baby has a great power that can strangle babies underfoot.

India is famous for some of the treatment methods are quite extreme and even very mad, but surprisingly many people who believe in methods of treatment of the country's Bollywood. Extreme methods of treatment have been handed down from their ancestors and has been preserved by their generation. However, this method is only carried by villagers deepest alone, for the Indian population living in urban areas has left this extreme treatment method.

Healing methods trample this baby is one of the methods kestrim owned India. Because this country has a lot of extreme treatment method and has been popular in the world. If you're curious about this extreme treatment method, the visit to India.

That's some crazy stunts information about the healing of a baby being trampled in India and this method is a method of treatment of the most extreme in the world.

This is the woman who married with A pet dog

Marriage is the dream of every person, but there was a wedding the most bizarre in this world because this bride groom is not an ordinary man but a dog and this is a woman who is married to a dog. The world is getting older so many people who started going crazy and doing strange things beyond reason, one of them is married to a dog. How the story of the marriage of a woman with a dog is this?

Emily Mabou, this is the woman who is married to a dog
Married and have an ideal partner is a dream of everyone to mejalani life until death. Ideal figure usually has a surplus that can fill the shortage partner and vice versa so that the ideal partner able to navigate the twists and turns of this life happily. But what if the dream of one's ideal figure contained in a dog?

The strange woman married to a dog, it has happened to a woman who came from Togo. Woman named Emily Mabou has found the ideal partner in the figure of a pet dog. The 29-year-old woman claimed to have found the man of her dreams on the figure of a pet dog was so firmly he wanted to marry his favorite dog. Decision woman from the village of Aburi is instantly caused a stir throughout the community because physically this woman is a woman who is simply gorgeous and can lure many men who want to marry him. Emily but instead chose to marry his favorite dog.

Emily admitted that he has never found a man who had been looking for the ideal of many men she had dated, but she instead found the man of her dreams in the ideal figure within the pet dog. She even explained that all the men who have gone out does not really love him and they just want sex. She claimed that her dog is different from the men she has dated, her beloved dog was very good, loyal, and always treat Emily with a very polite and respectful. For that reason Emily fell in love with his dog and beautiful woman married to a dog.

The whole family Emily could not hold the intention to marry Emily with ajingnya herself because she had insisted to remain married to his dog, although a lot of people who defy and even regard it has been crazy from loneliness.

Finally the strange wedding feast was celebrated with a simple and traditional, led by the local priest. Emily's wedding party have drawn a lot of public attention so many people are flocking to witness the wedding of Emily with his dog out of curiosity with married woman alone with a dog.

Emily's wedding was only attended by only close relatives and immediate family as well as all members of the family and even everyone assumes that Emily's strange behavior is the beginning of madness to fight loneliness he has felt over the years.

It asked by a large part of people is how she would have a child with her husband's. Emily firmly replied that she and her husband would adopt the child as their son. Many people are advised to Emily not to forget to use condoms and also always routinely injecting rabies for her husband. Emily's story is the story of the strangest wedding and even a crazy wedding in history.

That is some information about the unique story of Emily and this is a woman who is married to a pet dog.

Places on Earth that Unaffected Style Gravity

The force of gravity is the force of gravity that causes all objects on earth did not trickle out and all objects thrown upward fall back ka ground. But apparently there are places on earth that is not affected by gravity, so that at this place you will find things strange and unique like a broom that can stand tilted even without buffering. Where the places that are not influenced by gravity?

These are places on earth that is not affected by gravity
Earth has a gravitational force that serves to balance all the objects in a layer of earth, so that if we throw something up then it will fall back to earth. But what if you see someone who can be tilted like a falling tree but do not fall to the ground? This strange phenomenon can be found in Santa Cruz, California. This place found many strange phenomena and amazing that you never encountered elsewhere throughout the world. What causes strange phenomenon in this region?

Place on earth that is not affected by the force of gravity is located in California. It appeared in the Santa Cruz area California which is a region of forest expanse is not affected by the force of gravity, or as if the force of gravity in this place do not apply, so that this place will be found all the trees will stand tilted with the same tilt direction and almost fell. Ya really unique.

This region has been popularly known as "dot mysterious" because every human being in this place will experience a strange phenomenon, namely their entire body will be tilted without the desired and even though he tried to stand up but it was futile and their bodies remained at the position skewed as to be uprooted. Curiously though the tilt position is quite large, but every object that is in place it does not fall and not lose balance. So someone who wants to walk or run were also still doing so well without difficulty despite their position at this place is skewed because the force of gravity has no effect.

If you visit the region of Santa Cruz, California will be treated to a view of a very kenakjubkan and strange that the houses in this region will look almost collapsed when in fact the house is still standing strong, broom that can stand tilted without its support, people can stand on the wall of the house, and other strange sights.

Because of the peculiarities of this then all the animals in the surrounding area of ​​California did not dare to approach even stop in the area of ​​Santa Cruz. This region can break the mystery of gravity Sir Isaac Newton's theory that states that all objects will be attracted to one direction due to the force of gravity.

It turns out the strange phenomena that occurred in Santa Cruz, California can also be found in several other areas in the USA and also in Europe, namely in the area of ​​Warsaw, Poland. This is the place on earth that is not affected by gravity. It can also be found in China but in the territory of the country is not the form but the region in the form of a hill on the highway. On this highway rolling objects will be attracted upwards instead of downwards when normally object that rolled on the ramp would roll downwards rather than upwards. It turns out this strange phenomenon can also be found in Indonesia, which is precisely in the area Kelud form uphill road. Someone will be easier ride than down in this uphill road. Really weird yes.

That is some information about the places on earth that is not affected by gravity so that they will meet strange phenomena and unique.

Dragon Fruit Health Secrets You Should Know

Pitaya more commonly known as dragon fruit is usually dark red, although some types of fruit is pink or yellow. Dragon fruit skin is thin skin. Dragon fruit skin covered with scales, and dragon fruit consists of red or white and sweet taste. Dragon fruit was lately quite popular among the people of Indonesia.

The dragon fruit has a high content of vitamin C, and because the dragon fruit is a natural fruit nutrition it will provide you with a rich balance of nutrients. The content of vitamin C in fruit dragon was easily absorbed by the body.

As quoted in thealthbenefitsof.com said dragon fruit is a fruit that has a high content of antioxidants. Dragon fruit antioxidants in helping you to prevent the dangers of free radicals that cause cancer. The content of antioxidants in the dragon fruit really can not be matched with pills or other supplements.

Dragon fruit is also rich in fiber. Dietary fiber is an important nutritional factor for everyone from young to old, and the best way to obtain dietary fiber is by eating fruits and vegetables, including fruits such as dragon fruit. As you might expect, such as fruit, dragon fruit has a lot of dietary fiber with almost 1g of fiber per 100g fresh dragon fruit. Of course, the amount of dietary fiber in the dragon fruit which is dried in grams for each gram is much higher than the amount of dietary fiber in dragon fruit as fresh fruit.

Hope it is useful.
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