Friday 2 October 2015

4 Reasons To Believe Islam As True Religion

Muslims are the greatest people in the world and they have to trust the truth of the teachings of Islam that has been brought by the Prophet Muhammad with their hearts and reasons to believe in Islam is a very personal thing for everyone. However, it is an answer that those who believed and believe that that has created the earth and its contents is Allah. Actually a lot of reasons that can be described why a lot of people who believe in the teachings of Islam as the true teachings and can lead them to the true God, Allah SWT. What are the reasons?

This is a reason to believe in Islam
Islam is a religion that has been brought by the Prophet Muhammad and this doctrine has been believed by millions of human beings on this earth. The contents of Islamic teachings is contained in the holy book Quran is the word of Allah to all His servants as guidance of their lives in this world. Why believe in Islam? There are several compelling reasons why mankind to believe the truth of the teachings of Islam, here is why:

1. The teachings of Islam can be verified
All the teachings of Islam either about God who created the earth and its contents, the existence of angels, prayer, and worship is equipped with a clear and logical argument. Islam is not only forcing any of his people to believe just this teaching without accompanied by a detailed and logical explanation that can be captured by the human mind. The truth of the teachings of Islam as stated in the Qur'an has been proven true and even contributed a lot in the development of world science.

2. The teachings of Islam is not based on the experiences of people who have died
Islam is a religion that is not based on the experiences of people have died, but Islam instead invite everyone to find his own experience in life is to believe in Allah. In Islam has mentioned that every truth will come up with some way or other and tested in this world.

3. There is no conflict of Islam with science
None of the contradiction between the teachings of Islam with science, even the teachings of Islam is a source of knowledge and even to this day people still studying the contents of the Qur'an to explain the science in the world.

4. Truth contents of the holy book of Islam, namely the Qur'an
Should believe in Islam? Islamic teachings can be attested to the truth of the Qur'an. Here are some facts about the contents of the Qur'an, namely:

• Creation in pairs
Not only human beings were created by God in pairs but all the matter in the entire universe. It has been mentioned in the Qur'an. A scientist from the UK, namely Paul Dirac has conducted research on the matter in this world and studies proved that all the material in the world is created in pairs. Thanks to these findings then in 1933 Paul Dirac was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics.

• The orbits in the solar system
In the Qur'an has mentioned that God created day and night, sun and moon are in orbit respectively. All the celestial bodies can coexist based on each orbit.

• Basic sea very dark
The Qur'an has mentioned that the oceans have a very dark base. Based on human studies could only dive at depths less than 40 meters without specialized equipment, at a depth of 200 meters rare presence of light, and at a depth of 1000 meters is not found any light at all.

That is some information about the reasons to believe in Islam and all the reasons it is logical and can be explained scientifically.


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