Saturday 3 October 2015

Swallowing Live Fish Therapy For Asthma Treatment in India

A child choking and -menggeliat when he was given the treatment of asthma. This child is not given modern medical treatments such as pills or inhalers, but was forced to swallow the fish alive.

Every year, thousands of Indians marched queuing to swallow slimy sea creatures. For them there is nothing wrong with the treatment of asthma, because this therapy has been done hundreds of years ago. Some asthma sufferers gather every June next to the city of Hyderabad.

Flocking they come there to swallow fish that contain yellow herb sauce. They expect, this treatment can help to breathe more easily. This therapy is administered by the Bathini Goud family. They use a secret herbal formula that is scaled down from generation to generation, only for family members.

Live fish squirming when inserted herbal paste. Some family members Bathini then put the fish into a patient's throat. Sometimes finger is inserted deeper to convince the fish that had been dropped from the throat of the patient.

To avoid choking, a therapist pinch the patient's nose, and giving a little massage on the neck. This recipe is a family secret that will not be disclosed. This family says, they get it from a saint in 1845.

The herbal medicine is inserted into the mouth of sardines life, can also fish Murrel. The fish are five centimeters in length was slid into the patient's throat. Not infrequently to make them vomit.

This family has always maintained throat clearing therapy with these fish. This therapy has been permanently treat asthma and other respiratory problems, provided the treatment is given for at least three years.

After swallowing a fish treatment, the patient was told to do a strict diet for 45 days. Thousands of people take to the roads of all India for free treatment for two days. They set a date by the beginning of the rainy season every June.

Various ways are used patient so that the fish escaped from their throats. This sort of thing shows, therapy is not as easy as it seems. Parents often force her son, who was crying on the spot treatment, to open the mouth. While the other one is using the technique pinch the nose, or eyes shut while swallowing the small fish.

A girl looks to escape, she was scolded by her parents because avoiding to swallow the fish. Human rights groups and some doctors complained about this treatment because it was considered unscientific and unhygienic, all claims were rejected by Bathini family.

However, not everyone seems to agree. Indian government even set up a special train to where this fish treatment every year. Plus the deployment of police to control the crowd.


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