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Wednesday 30 September 2015

Strange, Men's Got Heart in Stomach

In general, the location is in the heart of the left part of the chest, but not with men in China he has the heart section of the stomach. A Chinese man named Ho Zhiliang (24) experienced a very rare condition once when he was born, he had a heart on his stomach medical term is congenital cardiac exposure syndrome. Because of its location around the abdomen, the abdomen is slightly prominent men out and beat of his heart is clearly visible on the skin of the abdomen.
According to the doctor usually infants with this condition will not be able to survive, but the miracle seemed to come to Ho Zhiliang, usaianya 24 years until he felt fine, but the heart of the belly section course can disrupt the activity and not as an ordinary person.

Ho Zhiliang who worked as a barber chose to operate on his heart that was placed undue bias, this he did after he saw the news on TV if there are doctors who managed to move the heart in 2012 and then in Wuhan area. Hearing the news, Zhiliang reportedly quit his job and moved to Wuhan to look for the same operation.

5 Mummification World's Oldest Woman

Female beauty is indeed immortal, even when his death was their beauty remaining in the memories. But it is no longer valid when the female mummies found in an excavation process either intentionally or unintentionally. Some findings, showing the conditions especially on the face, showing the beauty of women even in the state has become a mummy. For that follows summarizes unikgaul.com 5 mummies the oldest woman in the world:

1. Smile Thuya 

One of the oldest mummy couple Yuya and Thuya is found in Egypt, suggesting that they have lived in the past 3,800 years. Female mummy known as Thuya is seen still leaves a smile and her beauty, despite the existence remains a mystery. Although located in the area of the cemetery that is hard, Valley of the King, where the mummy of Thuya and her partner still maintained, even their graves are the most spectacular among other tombs. Reported that the mummy was a grandson of King Tutankhamun.

2. The mummy of Queen Tiye

Mummy this one known as the "Elder Lady ', the nickname given so because he managed to survive for more than three millennia with thick hair which is still unraveled until his shoulder. A strand of hair even match those found in the tomb of King Tutankhamun. Based on the research of DNA and after the match to King Tutankhamun in 2010. This old woman was later declared the grandmother of the king, which is known by the name of Queen Tiye.

3. The Beauty Of Xiaohe

This woman is a discovery process of excavation (excavation) conducted in the area of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China. Reportedly more than 3,800 years old, and included as one of the mysterious mummies were found along the "Silk Route". Although his identity is unknown, sharp nose and face were maintained mention who he was during his lifetime.

4. A mummy Nesitanebetashrua

3,000 year-old mummy of Egypt, is the best-preserved mummies during the 21st century body was even re-colored, with a yellow line with the Egyptian women's skin in his day. Not only archaeologists even trying to make look realistic appearance Nesitanebetashrua that describe who he was during his lifetime. Based on the research results, the process experienced by Nesitanebetashura mumifaksi is the most presentable. Prior to embalming, the skin on the chest torn to remove the organs, then tear the skin sewn back neatly. Even parts of the face, especially the eyes are concerned and neck are protected by a layer of linen. From his appearance, Nesitanebetashura is a female pastor.

5. Mummified Woman Borremose

 In 1947 the workers were digging in Denmark surprised to discover the mummy of a woman who was in a sitting position; with hands hugging one of his legs. Reportedly mummy known as 'Borremose Woman' (because of the mummy found in Swamp Borremose), is a woman who sacrificed in a religious ritual. 2,700 year-old mummy is treated either as part of the ceremonial offerings. His body was wrapped in a thick wool blanket to protect her body before burial ground. Based on the research, this woman has lived in the Bronze Age contemporary, yet still miraculously intact fingerprints.

Wow, There Stones Can Grow in Romania

A strange stone called Trovants found in a village in Costesti, Romania. This strange stone grows bigger when it rains and can move from one place to another without the help of people who move. As reported Oddity Central, stone Trovants a geological phenomenon which is amazing. This unique stones grow as if they were alive. This unique rock generated by seismic activity. Trovants grow when exposed to water, small stone measuring six to eight millimeters and it will be great to measuring six to ten meters. Trovants composed of a rocky core, the outer shell of sand. After a heavy rain, small stones that will change the shape becomes larger. Some scientists are conducting research to explain the weirdness that happened with stone Trovants. Scientists believe that under the rock section containing high mineral elements. So that when the surface becomes wet, minerals began to spread and will hit the sand to enlarge. This makes the stones grow. Trovants stones became one of the popular tourist attraction in Romania. Ady Trovantilator is a museum to protect these unique rock that was inaugurated in 2004. Stone is currently Trovants has been protected by UNESCO.

7 Wonders of the Brain What Do not We Realize

The brain as the source of the human mind, it has outstanding performance to process all the information around us. So how organ of only fist is capable of controlling human life in an extraordinary way?

Brain over the centuries - indeed a very mysterious organ. Just a few hundred years, scientists have started to successfully uncover the mystery of this one organ. Of course the help of sophisticated technology becomes one of the key success of this study. The human brain has a function similar to the processor on the computer. The difference, processor performance can be explained with logic while the brain can not.

At least there is some mystery that still surrounds the human brain. Even scientists are also still trying to find a scientific explanation for the mystery. Still, the mystery is the secret of life creation of the Almighty are very remarkable.

1. Awareness
When waking from sleep in the morning, we will be aware of sleep. We can enjoy the morning sun from the crack in the window, inhaling the morning air, and activities. All this is called consciousness. We are also aware that we are "I" for ourselves. How the brain of a conscious process becomes unconscious during sleep but we automatically will get up again. This certainly be one of the important mystery to be solved.

2. Life Frozen
Eternal life is indeed limited to only the human fantasy. But scientists have found that cryonic findings that can make a man has two lives. Arlcor Life Extension Foundation, one of the centers are located in Arizona cryonic have kept the living body in tubes containing liquid nitrogen at a temperature of minus 320 Fahrenheit.

The idea of ​​this study is the man who had died of the disease will be thawed and then turned on again in the future when the diseases are curable. The body of a famous baseball player, Ted Williams is stored here. However, since this technology has not been found, the revival has not yet been carried out but his body had melted at the right temperature so that the body's own cells break down and freeze.

3. Behavior
All that is done by human behavior carried out under the control of the brain. Until now there has been much debate about the personality and the human mind is influenced by the natural or innate of the environment. Until now, there has not been an agreement among scientists whether human behavior is inherited from the genes or environmental influences.

4. Laugh
Laughter is the most elusive of human behavior. Scientists have found that when people laugh, there are three parts of the brain are activated. The first is part think before understanding a joke then move the area to tell the muscle to do something, and the latter is an emotional area that causes tingling. According to John Morreall, a researcher humor found that laughter is a response to playing of the story that is not in line with expectations. Surprisingly laughter can also be passed on to others.

5. Memory
In human life, there are some experiences that are difficult to forget. But often the brain also forget things that are important when it takes as given the mathematical formula or address. Why does this happen? By using a brain imaging technique, scientists have discovered a mechanism that is responsible for the creation and storage processes of memory. The researchers found the gray matter of the brain and the hippocampus, which acts as a memory storing box. But strangely why no memory is very easy to remember and some are easily forgotten. Of course this is still a mystery.

When moving, thinking, dreaming, or even love, gray matter, known as the cortex great work. But white matter known as the basal ganglia it also played a role. For example when the symptoms of dementia, a number of studies have shown there is a plaque in the gray matter.

6. Biological Clock
The brain has a nucleus suprachiasmatic nucleus, or biological clock. Part of the program the body to follow the rhythm of the time for 24 hours. The biological clock to adjust body temperature, produces the hormone melatonin, and regulate sleep-wake cycle.

7. Sleeping
Why do we need sleep? Scientists believe that all mammals require adequate sleep, including humans. Not enough sleep for long periods can cause hallucinations or even death. Sleep is divided into two levels of NREM sleep that occurs when the brain showed a low metabolic activity and the level of REM sleep is when the brain is still active.

Well that was 7 Wonders of the brain we do not realize.

Various Fruit is Good for Pregnant Women

Besides eating vegetables, pregnant women are also advised to be more often consume a wide variety of fruit which is good for pregnant women. Because a pregnant woman would require sufficient nutrients to be able to make her stay healthy and maintain the condition of the fetus in the womb. Nutritional needs was certainly more than wanit who are not pregnant, because of course during the mother's pregnancy condition will be deeply affected the condition of the fetus inside the womb. Therefore usually a pregnant woman is advised to eat a variety of healthy foods and also has benefits for pregnant women. Some foods such as oats, beans, meat, fish, vegetables, and various fruits to meet the nutrition and vitamins. However, although there are quite a lot of fruit that is recommended for pregnant women there are also tables of several types of fruit that should not be consumed by a pregnant woman. Well, some kind of fruit is allowed and which should not be consumed by pregnant women will be discussed further in this article.
5 Type Fruit reply Good for Pregnant Women

During pregnancy, a pregnant woman will certainly stout undergo physical and psychological changes that will impact the disruption and changes in several bodily functions. This would result in daily mother would be quite disturbed, especially if the intake of nutrients, nutrition and vitamins are not fulfilled. Therefore, fruits are one type of food is excellent as a substitute snack foods for pregnant women, because the fruit is much healthier and have a lot of content that is needed by the mother and also for the growth of the fetus in the womb. And before discussing about some forbidden fruit for pregnant women, the following are some types of fruits are good for pregnant women.

    Date palm

Fruit is synonymous with Arab countries it does have a lot of nutrients nutritious for pregnant women. Some nutritional content in palm fruit which this is potassium, fiber, manganese, phosphorus, iron, sulfur, magnesium, and calcium. Some minerals such as iron is one that is beneficial to a pregnant woman. Because iron can help the body to produce hemoglobin, so that pregnant women can avoid the chances of developing anemia. Besides cramps are often experienced by pregnant women can also be resolved with potassium that is on a date. And in addition can be a food that is good for pregnant women the first trimester, dates are also recommended for those who have entered the final trimester of pregnancy because of vitamin B in the palm fruit can help strengthen the mother's uterine wall.


The next fruit is avocado, a fruit that tastes delicious and is derived from the state of Mexico. And it turns out in addition to its delicious taste and can also be used for beauty treatments, nutrients contained in avocado could actually help maintain the health of pregnant women. This is because the avocado contains folic acid, potassium and vitamin B complex, where these substances are very needed by pregnant women to maintain a healthy body and efficacious for fetal growth. Folic acid is one of the substances that are beneficial to the fetus because it can help the development of the brain and spine elakangnya. Especially in the first trimester, a fruit that is good for pregnant women this can help overcome nausea and vomiting.


In the third place there is the mangosteen fruit, fruit that is purple and has a high vitamin C content. And it turns out the vitamin C present in the elasticity of the skin can help pregnant pregnant woman's body during pregnancy because the mother's body condition is usually more days will be getting bigger. Also in this unique fruit that tastes the same also with avocado because it contains a lot of folic acid is beneficial for the development of the fetus. The fetus will be protected from the risk of being born prematurely or born with disabilities. While manganese will serve as body armor and also the fetus from free radical disruption.

Not a dragon, but the fruit is good for pregnant women who subsequently is dragon fruit. Dragon fruit is one type of fruit that has a unique flavor. Usefulness very much, especially for health, and one for pregnant women. For pregnant women who often feel there is sputum that block, then by eating dragon fruit will memantu the mother to remove the phlegm. Another advantage is the fruit of this one rarely use pesticides or the like. This is because the dragon fruit skin is quite thick, so it is very safe as a food that is good for pregnant women, especially in the first trimester.


Most people love this one type of fruit, the article fruit that has red, green or yellow has a delicious taste and easy to eat. Lots of vitamins in apples needed by pregnant women, such as vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, and vitamin C. For pregnant women, the high fiber content in apples also makes the fruit is very both to cope with diarrhea or constipation. And for those who like to eat snacks, better replace your snacks are unhealthy mungin with apples. Because apples also contain nutrients that be required by pregnant women to maintain ideal body weight.
Fruit types Prohibited for Pregnant Mothers

Well, after discussing about 5 pieces of fine day for pregnant women before, now is the time we also discuss some kind of forbidden fruit or not be consumed by pregnant women. What fruit is it? And why not be consumed by pregnant women? Well, the first type of fruit is not recommended for pregnant mothers is the pineapple. Kandugan existing bromelain in pineapple is considered to be one of the causes of premature birth or even miscarriage. Additionally turns papaya fruit also contains a substance called latex that can trigger pregnant women having contractions, so consequently the same as if pregnant women eat pineapple, namely premature labor or miscarriage.

It had been a brief explanation us about some good fruit for pregnant women and some that is not recommended for pregnant women. And you need to remember is, do not forget to wash or clean the fruit would you eat first even though from the outside looks clean. Remember that the hygiene of food and drink is one thing that is very important to note pregnant mothers.

7 Fact Crime Medicine in World

Advances in medical science can indeed save lives, but sometimes an experiment conducted by scientists in violation of ethics that exist. Here it 7 medical experiments involving human subjects worst.

1. The Tuskegee Study
The study lasted for 40 years. According to the Center Disease Control and Prevention United States, health authorities launched a study on the health effects of untreated syphilis. Unfortunately it is not known by the participants, whether they received treatment for syphilis or not.

Researchers track the progression of the disease in 399 black men in Alabama, including 201 healthy men. Scientists revealed in participants that diriya being treated for having 'bad blood'. These participants never get adequate treatment, even until 1947 when penicillin became the drug of choice to treat syphilis.

2. Study of syphilis in Guatemala
Between the years 1946-1948, the US government and Guatemala to study together in a way deliberately infect syphilis in custody in Guatemala and patients in a mental hospital. This study aimed to test chemicals that can prevent the spread of disease.

Researchers trying to infect subjects with telling her how to have sex with prostitutes who are already infected. Although syphilis is given the drug penicillin, but not finding advanced treatments for these patients.

3. Experimental surgery on slave
Figures of modern gynecology, J. Marion Sims much gained fame by performing experimental surgery on women slaves. Sims experiment surgery without anesthesia (partial anesthesia has not been found), but he revealed that it was not painful enough. Whereas in the Journal of Medical Ethics 1993 written by the experimental human conduct can not be accepted.

4. Murder Burke and Hale
Until the 1830s the execution killings are relatively rare, so that many experts take or buy anatomy of the human body from the robbers. Until finally his friend William Hale and entrepreneur William Burke opened the inn and sell body for sale at anatomists. The crime due Burke later hanged for his crimes.

5. The Monster Study
In 1939 the researchers wanted to prove the theory that stuttering behavior is caused by the anxiety of a child to talk. Researchers sit with children orphans and say that these children show signs of stuttering and may not speak unless sure can talk properly. These experiments were previously normal children become anxious and become silent.

6. Japan's Unit 731
Throughout the 1930s until the 1940s, the Japanese imperial army conduct biological warfare and medical tests on the civilian population and most of China. The death toll from brutal experimental is unknown, but there may be 200,000 people.

This study involves the wells infected with cholera, typhus, fleas and the prisoners lined up in the cold weather to determine the best treatment for frostbite. Other atrocities are blindfolded prisoners with poison gas, then put into the room until his eyes out and dissected while still alive and conscious.

7. Nazi Medical Experiments
Perhaps a notorious experiment of all time is conducted by Josef Mengele, an SS doctor at Auschwitz, and he collected the eye of a patient victim. These experiments using prisoners to examine the treatment of infectious diseases and chemical warfare. While others are forced to be frozen in a low-pressure chambers as a trial flight.

While the ad apula experiments by binding the breasts of women with ropes so that researchers bus amelihat how long the baby can survive the famine. Until finally the baby was injected with lethal morphine to end his suffering. It is known that Mengele died in Brazil in 1979 as a result of a stroke.

happy, Because Monsters It Extinct

Is there a monster or a monster? Depending on what the definition of monster for you. If the monster is a creature whose appearance and / or his actions terrible for you, then the answer is YES, the monsters do exist!

1. Carbonemys


With a name that means "turtle carbon", what is fear of this animal? In addition he is a carnivore, measuring Carbonemys Volkswagen, have a head much larger than a soccer ball, and a razor-sharp beak that can slice other animals with ease. 

2. Arthropleura

Perhaps this is one of the more famous ancient animals in history, Arthropleura is essentially a giant millipede the size of the car. These animals crawling on the floor of an ancient forest Carbon eat decaying plants. He was a vegetarian, but it does not rule out the possibility he will bite if disturbed.

3. Brontoscorpio

The scorpion is scary, and they have been around for over 400 million years. Another thing that made the scorpion more frightening is that they never grow up, and really big. Brontoscorpio is a scorpion sting one meter with the size of the bulb. But this is a sea scorpion with gills, so it can not go on land, right? No. This ancient animals is one of the first animals that crawled out of the sea.

4. Jaekelopterus

This makes Brontoscorpio this creature looks like a small puppy. Small puppy with claws and sting the size of the bulb. While Jaekelopterus size of the crocodile with a large appetite. These animals prey on whatever is nearby. Other sea scorpions, ancient fish, ammonites ... is on their dinner menu. Jaekelopterus also is one of the largest sea scorpion ever.

5. Helicoprion

Sharks have been around the Earth for at least 400 million years and have survived many extinction. Helicoprion survived the largest mass extinction in history (Permian-Triassic extinction event). Until 2013, the fossils found from this genus only fossil tooth, which looks like a saw swivel. After the discovery of the fossil skull of a related genus eugeneodont, Ornithoprion, it is known that the circular teeth consisting of all gear produced by it in the lower jaw. as helicoprionu growing up, small teeth will be pushed to the center of the circle with the appearance of teeth larger.

6. Anomalocaris

The first Superpredator earth, Anomalocaris lived about 535-520 Million Years Ago, and truly gigantic in comparison with the other animals that live around it - Palaeontologists say the animal is 10 times bigger than anything else around. With a length of 50cm - 2 meters, this carnivorous animal is a long top predators, hunting almost everything he can overcome, including trilobites.

Despite being the pinnacle of the food chain for a while, Anomalocaris and its namesake family (Anomalocarids) is part of the missing lines of 'experimental evolution' Cambrian Period. They can not survive in the Ordovician Period, and they seem to have been replaced by predatory arthropods such superior Eurypterids and True Arachnid Scorpions. Even so, in his time, Anomalocaris is the king of the sea, and the only other creatures on this planet that is feared by other Anomalocaris Anomalocaris only.

There are fossil specimens preserved, and they are amazing to see, given that they are 300 million years older than any dinosaur and seems to have been 'saved well' by nature for us to know in detail.

7. Plumonoscorpius

Other giant scorpions. Again, this frightening animals have returned to their large size in an atmosphere rich in oxygen from the Carboniferous period. Grows with the size of their ancient uncle, Brontoscorpio, Plumonoscorpius has a stinger smaller, but very greedy. Fortunately for the fish that period because Plumonoscorpius fully terrestrial.

8. Cameroceras

Imagine a mythical monster Kraken. Then insert it into a cone-shaped shield. You get Cameroceras. Ancient giant that is the ancestor of the squid and octopus is moving slowly because of its shell which is over 12 meters. Nonetheless, he was strong enough to kill the scorpion sea and ancient predatory fish.

9. Kaprosuchus

Crocodile certainly quite daunting. They hunt in rivers and lakes, stay in shallow water to catch prey, but they are rarely far from the water. Enter Kaprosuchus, whose name means "crocodile pig" because long teeth. It is like a killing machine as long as six meters that could all fields. Kaprosuchus can do anything that can be done crocodiles. Go in the water, wait, strike etc., but also able to walk on land. Oh, and he could also kill dinosaurs.

10. Titanoboa

Snakes today are usually quite small. The biggest is the green anaconda. The longest is the reticulated python. Titanoboa will eat them as a snack. With a length of over 12 meters, this snake along the size of T. Rex and manga usually consist of giant crocodiles and turtles that share its territory. Fortunately for Tyrannosaurus, Titanoboa lived after the extinction of the dinosaurs, and the power in the earth as did the dinosaurs before them

11. Livyatan melvillei
This will create a giant whale shark Megalodon cry. Megalodon was a giant shark with teeth the size of your hand. The Pope beat it. Livyatan named as the monster mentioned in the Bible, one of God's own mustard is said to be to kill him. Livyatan have teeth that are longer than the legs. He grew bigger than Megalodon. He was hunted almost everything such as baleen whales, beaked whales, dolphins, sharks, sea turtles, seals and seabirds. Melvillei Livyatan is extinct whale species that lived during the physeteroid Serravallian stage of the Miocene, about 13-12juta years ago.

5 Most Poisonous Animals in the World

Is currently very difficult to distinguish Which are the most poisonous animal in the world. Which could have, which kill most, or perhaps one of the animals with the most deadly poison?

There is a difference between poisonous and venomous animals. An animal with dangerous toxins typically used to defend themselves, but using poison venomous animals with stinging, stabbing, or biting. Poisonous animals are passive killers, while venomous animals are active killers.

1. Box Jellyfish

Top of the list of most venomous animal in the world is the box jellyfish. This beast has caused at least 5,567 deaths recorded since 1954. The poison of these animals is among the most deadly in the world. These toxins attack the heart, nervous system, and skin cells. The worst thing is that the poison box jellyfish is very painful, victims who can direct shock shock, drowning or may die of heart failure before it is able to get out of the water. According to survivors, they feel pain weeks after discharge these animals.

If not treated immediately, almost no chance of survival after exposure can sting of these animals. The first thing to do is to compress the wound with vinegar for at least 30 seconds after contact. Vinegar contains acetic acid, which can deactivate the nematocysts of box jellyfish before it enters the bloodstream (though in this case does not alleviate the pain). Wearing a swimsuit that covers the body while swimming in the ocean is a good precaution to reduce the risk of jellyfish invade your feet. This jellyfish normally live in the waters around Asia and Australia.

2. King Cobra

King Cobra or Ophiophagus Hannah is a venomous snake that has a length of 5.6 meters and including the longest venomous snake in the world. Ophiphagus or generally means snake-eateradalah snake snake predators. One bite of this snake can easily kill a human, even a snake is capable of killing an adult elephant asia within 3 hours if they are bitten in risky parts such as the neck.

Can from these animals do not like can be from other snakes, this animal is capable of injecting 5 times more venom than black mamba snake, which can lead to death 5 times faster. These snakes come from northern India, China, Hong Kong, the Philippines, and Indonesia.

3. Marbled Cone Snail

This cute little creature is one of the main animals darting off. 20 people could die with one drop of this snail poison. Humans who have already had a bite will experience weakness, numbness, nausea and lungs stop and then die. This snail uses venom contains a powerful poison to catch their prey. If you find these snails do not even think of picking.

Symptoms of this snail sting can be immediate or delayed for one day, the victim experienced pain, swelling, numbness and tingling. There is no anti-venom for this type. Only about 30 deaths have been reported due to this snail sting.

This cute little creature is one of the main animals darting off. 20 people could die with one drop of this snail poison. Humans who have already had a bite will experience weakness, numbness, nausea and lungs stop and then die. This snail uses venom contains a powerful poison to catch their prey. If you find these snails do not even think of picking.

Symptoms of this snail sting can be immediate or delayed for one day, the victim experienced pain, swelling, numbness and tingling. There is no anti-venom for this type. Only about 30 deaths have been reported due to this snail sting.

4. Blue-Ringed Octopus

This octopus is very small, only about the size of a golf ball, but its venom is very strong and can kill humans. Its bite is painless and look harmless, but toxic neurotoxin produced from the stings will cause muscle weakness, numbness and followed by the cessation of the respiratory system that eventually leads to death.

5. Death Stalker Scorpion

In general, people believe that most scorpions are not dangerous to humans because it stings only cause pain, numbness, and swelling. This scorpion lived part of North Africa and the Middle East, as the name implies this scorpion is not so big and strong, but a very lethal toxic sting of another scorpion species. One sting can cause pain that is unbearable, fever followed by convulsions, paralysis and death.

However, the sting of this scorpion will not kill a healthy adult humans directly and instead the young, elderly sick (heart disease) are at risk of dying if affected by this scorpion stings.

7 animals most feared snakes

These are animals that dreaded snake, sometimes if we neh Part of humans when they saw the snake must have shuddered and his usual away. But not with the animals below. But friends unikbaca taukah friend turns snakes also have natural enemies in the wild, eventually the snake gets her opponents commensurate in nature, this proves that the class snake though still present fear, and this is a lesson for all of us, like the proverbial there the sky above the sky, really do not, and this is the dreaded snake 7 animals.
1. The Hedgehog
It is hard to imagine a snake will be defeated by a slow and weak animals like hedgehogs. hedgehog can easily kill a snake viper. Hedgehog has a shield of duri.Duri-urchin spines are very, very dangerous for snakes. Snake will be badly injured and when the snake is weak hedgehog will bite the snake's neck several times and the last bite of a snake will be crushed spine. Porcupines can tolerate a dose of arsenic which, when tested in humans could kill 25 people. However, hedgehogs can also die if bitten by a snake in certain parts. The muzzle hedgehog is the weakest part of a hedgehog.

2. Badger
Badgers are well known for their ability to kill snakes. Will badger grabbed the snake on the back of the head and the snake will bite it with their powerful jaws. Snake with a length of 1.5 m can be spent Badger within 15 minutes. Cobra badger could be immune to a very neurotoxic to humans. Badgers will be a little faint if bitten by a poisonous snake but once aware of badgers will soon eat the snake. This vicious carnivore known as a snake hunter.

3. Mongooses
Mongooses (ferret) paralyze snakes with their views (like hypnosis alone hihihihi) after the snake does not move as fast as lightning ferrets will bite a snake in the head with powerful jaws. ferrets have a thick layer of skin so that the snake does not easily fit into their bodies. Mongoose can kill a cobra equal to 3 m. however moongoose not entirely immune to the venom. Mongoose takes several hours to recover his strength after exposure to snake venom. after mongoose usually recovers his strength he would attack the snake back and eat the snake. The head of the snake will be the first meal.

4. The Secretary Bird
Bird called a secretary because he has a tuft of feathers that resemble ditengkuk old secretary who slipped pencil their ears. Secretary birds usually kill the snake by kicking it with strong because the secretary bird has long legs and strong. If you can not membuuh snake on the ground, birds secretary will bring a snake into the air and throwing stones.

5. Snake Snake Eater
There is a snake that eats its own speisesnay! They are Musaran snake (Clelia) from South America. And of course, is the snake King Cobra. King Cobra is the world's largest venomous snake, the length can reach 5.5 m. Just Ophiophagus scientific name means snake-eater and most preferred prey adalah.ular King Cobras Cobras! It was the snake that ungodly! King Kobra in North America also likes to prey on other venomous snakes are rattlesnakes (rattler). King cobra would be immune to rattlesnake.

6. Bird Raptor
Eagle Raptor bird or snake. These birds inhabit the regions of Europe, Asia and Africa. They are a favorite prey of snakes.

7. Armadillos or pangolin
Armadillos kill the snake by crashing them to the snake so that the snake is cut off by a shell Armadillos very hard and sharp.

SubhaanAllah, It turns out that the Sacred Cat Saliva

You have a cat at home? Blessed. As it turns out the cat's saliva was sacred. Cats are different from other animals, especially dogs. Cats have their own way of maintenance, so do not be surprised if a lot of people today are alarmed when told to take care of a cat. It is not a no-no as well as an empty story without meaning, but it turns out there are some traditions that strengthen the argument that the cat is an animal that is sacred, both the body and saliva they secrete from their small mouths.
It's Evident In A Hadith!
Cats, quadrupeds who enjoys licking the hands or feet owners. Many of the Muslims who are concerned that cat saliva unclean, even though in reality it cat saliva assessed by the Prophet Muhammad as something sacred. It turned out to be evidenced by a hadith is considered authentic. The hadith tells about a time when the family of the Prophet Muhammad arrival of a slave woman. The task of the slave woman was delivering food to Aisha, who was performing prayers.

Weigh and decide that he has no desire to interfere with Aisha, a slave woman was then put the food he was carrying. By the time the food is placed, when it appeared a cat who snatched the food. At this point it is known that saliva cat is not unclean because after Aisha finished fulfill its obligations to Salah, he immediately takes up the former cat food earlier. This certainly makes the slave woman was stunned and shocked, because he ate was bekasan of animals, so that the slave woman asked what the reason Aisha doing that.

The answer comes from the mouth of Aisha is quite surprising, that the Prophet Muhammad never performed ablution with water used to drink a cat. SubhaanAllah, cat saliva is holy if the prophet Muhammad until want to perform ablutions with water that has been mixed with saliva in the mouth of a cat. Word spoken by the prophet Muhammad is that the cat is not counted in the unclean animals. This is because the cat is an animal whose hobby wander around humans, thus releasing the illicit status he has.

Is Big Dirt Small Nor are they Eject also the Holy Counted?
It is already accepted in those sayings by the Prophet Muhammad that in fact the cat's saliva is not unclean, but this will usually give rise to a new question on many people's minds as to whether urine or feces issued by big these animals are also absent from the unclean status. The answer is no, and this is the result of the deliberations of the majority of scholars whose role is quite good in the modern Islamic world.

Hadith that tells the story of the Prophet Muhammad used bekasan water used as drinking from a cat to perform ablutions narrated through Abu Daud and narrated by Aisha. This hadith alone status is a source of authentic and compelling evidence for this problem. Not to mention the attitude of Aisha who continue to eat even though the food had already been partially eaten by a cat. This suggests that in fact SubhaanAllah, saliva cat was sacred, but not only because of his physical saliva was sacred.

10 People Barmy Finally Become Successful

People have the intelligence just barely could even diketegorikan stupid often doubt his success in the future, but in this world it turns out there are ignorant people who eventually become successful exceeded the success of people who are smart and even able to provide jobs for people smart. So fabulous! Who are these people stupid?

Top 10 Stupid People who Finally Become Successful
There are 10 stories of fools in the world to finally be successful and they also inspire for many people to keep trying despite failures and limitations. Here's the story of the 10 people are:

1. Adam Khoo
Adam Khoo is an entrepreneur from Singapore which has 4 business at the age of 26 years and has a turnover of about 20 million dollars annually. Since little Adam Khoo has academic value so bad that he could only attend school in elementary and junior high schools in Singapore worst, because that he was often used as ingredients derision by his friends because of his stupidity.

Adam Khoo began to build his business at the age of 15 years with the business of music box. His business began to grow, so at the age of 22 years he was also expanded business in the field of training and seminars. Given the business name of Adam Khoo began to be known by the public and earnings now amounting to 10,000 dollars per hour.

2. Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein was a scientist who has discovered the theory of relativity was very influential in the advancement of science. Nobel laureates who would have thought this is a child who has a delay in speech and even autism since childhood. This is one story of a fool and failed so smart and successful.

3. Aristotle Onasis
Aristotle Onasis is a millionaire with bad stories as a child. In school he is famous for mischief and always ranks the lowest in its class, so many argue later he would become useless and can even destroy itself.

4. Thomas Alva Edison
Thomas Alva Edison was a scientist who produces 1,093 findings and have earned medals for these findings. His most important discovery was the lights. As a boy, scientists known as the son of a very foolish and hard of hearing as well as the only formal education for 3 months because of being expelled from school.

5. Chris Gardner
Chris Gardner is a millionaire owner of the stock brokerage firm that is Gardner Rich & Co. Millionaires have bitter experience of life that is left by his wife, homeless, in debt, and does not even have a higher education.

6. Ludwig Van Beethoven
Ludwig Van Beethoven is a renowned composer who has produced many works include nine symphonies, five piano concertos, 32 piano sonatas, 10 violin sonatas and piano, etc. The composer's mother suffered from syphilis so that his brother among seven brothers experienced deafness, blindness and mental disorders. At the age of 20, this composer has experienced signs of hearing loss.

7. Louis Braille

10 stories fools the world that ultimately success that followed was Louis Braille who are blind due to a sympathetic strike his eyes so that he can find alphabetic braille.

8. Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln was the president of the 6th American known for his success in the abolition of slavery and stop the civil war. Turns out he experienced many failures in the world of politics and eventually led him to become a president.

9. Bill Gates
Bill Gates with Paul Allen founded computer software, namely Microsoft and the richest man no. 1 in the world. He was never in the DO of Harvard and worked as an office boy.

10. Mark Elliot Zuckerberg
Mark Elliot Zuckerberg is the youngest billionaire owner of social networking sites, namely Facebook and he too DO from Harvard to develop Facebook.

That's the list of the 10 fools who eventually become successful and famous dipenjuru world for its success.

Here's One Person Cause Sudden Death

Many people in this world experience different types of deadly diseases caused by unhealthy diet and stress of mind, this is one of the causes of sudden deaths that occurred in many parts of the world. News of sudden death is not foreign to the ear of today's society and even the death of this type are often used in scenes sinetron as a reflection of the society that sudden death can affect anyone, anytime.

This is the One Cause People Died Suddenly, What are they?
Sudden death can happen to anyone regardless of age, these deaths occur due to several things. The following 6 causes a person dies suddenly:

1. The existence of a blockage in blood vessels
Blood vessel functions as a way to supply blood to all organs of the human body, if these vessels becomes blocked, the organs of the body can not receive blood supply and oxygen so as to inhibit the work of the organs of the human body and can even dismiss the work of the heart that can cause death.

The occurrence of deep vein thrombosis is caused by several things:

- Unhealthy lifestyle such as consumption of alcohol, smoking, and eating fast food.

- The presence of chronic diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

2. Cardiomyopathy
Cause of sudden death in humans next is cardiomyopathy or thickening that occurs in the heart muscle. Thickening of the heart muscle can inhibit the action of this organ to pump blood around the body so that it can reduce the blood supply throughout the body that can even cause death of a person. Cardiomyopathy often occurs in people who have entered the age of 30 years.

3. The existence of a ruptured blood vessel
Rupture of blood vessels in vital organs such as the heart and brain can result in sudden death to a person. These events can happen to anyone and at any time, following rupture of blood vessels causes:

- The presence of abnormal blood vessels
- Changes in air pressure drastically
- High blood pressure or hypertension
- Mind stress and depression

4. Aritmania
Aritmania a rhythm abnormalities in heart rate. In normal conditions the heart has a constant and regular rhythm when pulsed, if the heart has an abnormal rhythm of the heart in pumping blood work can not be effective and even inhibited. This condition can cause death to a person.

5. autoerotic asphyxiation (AEA)
Autoerotic asphyxiation (AEA) is one of the reasons people can die during sex because this method is a method used to masturbate but to strangle himself. It is much-loved by the people because it can reduce the blood supply and causing the release keotak endorphine. Many cases have been censure that sudden death caused by this activity because of choking, and in this case generally use ropes collar which is difficult to remove.

6. Mind stress
Stress can be triggered by some of the severe problems faced by someone and prolonged stress can lead to depression that can interfere with the body's health. Do not crumble this problem, many cases mancatat that the sudden death of a person caused by a lot of stress because of the instability of his mental state of mind. Stress can trigger the death of someone because these conditions can cause two things:

- Psychosomatic
Is a psychosomatic health problems caused by unstable psychological conditions such as stress and depression.

- Suicide
The cause of someone doing this reckless act is due to acute stress and depression.

That is some information about the cause of the people died suddenly and generally it is caused by a health condition is not good and excessive stress. This is one of the causes of sudden deaths that could be a threat to anyone.

Here's Man With World's Highest IQ

IQ (intelligence quotient) is a measure used to determine the level of human intelligence in intellectual ability, logic, analysis, and ratio, has noted that Albert Einstein is a man who has a very high level of intelligence, and this is the man with the highest IQ in the world. The media have noted a few people who have the highest IQ and has contributed to the world.

List of 10 People This Genius and Man With World's Highest IQ
Smart and genius is a very different. Cleverness one can be obtained by diligent study, while the genius of someone is a gift from God. Here's a list of 10 People genius with the highest IQ in the world:

1. Stephen Hawking
Oxford man who was born in England in 1942-it has an IQ of 160. Stephen Hawking suffering from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) that makes it different from the others, despite that he has much to contribute to science, namely by introducing cosmology by using the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, and in 2009 Hawking was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

2. Judith Polgar
Judith Polgar has an IQ of 170. This woman is a chess athlete who has become the youngest champion who could beat Bobby Fischcer.

3. Sir Andrew Wiles
Sir Andrew Wiles has the IQ level of 170 mathematicians have proved Fermat's last theorem and managed to create waves. Professor succeeded in obtaining 15 awards in the field of mathematics and science.

4. Paul Gardner Allen
Paul Gardner Allen has the IQ level of 170. This man is a Co-founder of Microsoft and the company was named the 48th richest person in the world no. Gardner Allen lot to create world-class projects.

5. James Howard Woods
James Howard Woods is one person who has the highest IQ in the world that is equal to 180. This movie actor has gained a full scholarship at MIT, but he decided not to continue his studies and focus on acting. Some of the awards as an actor has been achieved, namely three Emmy Awards.

6. Garry Kasparov
Garry Kasparov has a tremendous IQ is 190. This man is the greatest athlete in the world that chess has become the youngest world chess champion at the age of 22 years.

7. Rick Rosner
Rick Rosner had a very fantastic IQ level is 192. This man is known as a writer at one of the American TV station.

8. Kim Ung-Yong
Men from korea has an IQ level that is extraordinary is 210. At the age of 6 months Kim Ung-Yong have fluent spoken and read in Korean. At the age of 8 years he studied in the US at the invitation of NASA. At age 14, the man who has earned the "Guinness Book of World Records" has been able to solve very complex calculus problems.

9. Christopher Hirata
Christopher Hirata is one of the 10 most genius people in the world who has an IQ of 225. He has been part of Caltech at age 4 years and have taken courses calculus and physics college level at the age of 12 years. Christopher Hirata has earned an Olympic gold medal at the international level physics at the age of 13 years. At the age of 16 years he has worked with NASA and earned a Ph.D. at the age of 22 years.

10. Terence Tao
Terence Tao has the IQ level of 230. This man has earned a Ph.D. from Princeton at age 16 years. At age 20 he had won the title as a professor at UCLA and has been awarded numerous accolades.

This is the man with the highest IQ in the world and has made a great contribution to the world of science.

Story Mystery Behind Valentine's Day

Whoever the person must know what it is Valentine, but rarely know the mystery behind this Valentine's Day. Valentine is celebrated as Valentines Day and is celebrated every February it was not as many people expected. There are some things that are not known by many, especially the origin of Valentine's. The collection of mystery lovers would want to know some facts behind the celebration of this love story.
St. Valentine
Valentine comes from the name of a priest named St. Valentine. He was a priest who lived in imperial Rome Cladius. The emperor was very eager to have a strong military force and also great, but the desire is not fully supported by the people, especially the men. They do not want to part with his beloved family, the fact that the Emperor Cladius angry and ordered to prohibit marriage. Of course it can not be denied by the people. However there is one pastor who does not agree with the decision, he is St. Valentine. Valentine thought that it was very inhuman and continue its work, which gives the blessing for those who want to get married. It was done secretly in a small boat, until finally when you're doing the blessing of the couples who want to marry, it was known by the Emperor. The emperor angry, immediately ordered to arrest and punish priests. Punishment given is not half-hearted, the death penalty! The death penalty was carried out exactly on February 14. On the day of the death of St. Valentine's much praised for his courage in marrying many people. even at the time of his death many people are giving flowers as a symbol of their affection to the priests. Therefore, until today the celebration of the death of St. Valentine is commemorated as the day of love.

Gamelion legend
In ancient Roman times there was a legend named legend Gamelion. This legend tells of the romance between Zeus with Hera, which is none other than the brother and sister. Actually, the incident also called fertility celebration, at which time it is required to provide an offering. The offerings are provided in the form of sacrificial animals for the wedding of Zeus and the goddess Hera. The incident continues to grow up in Roman times called Lupercalia warning celebrated on February 15. This name is taken from the name of Reverend Lupercus. Lupercaria warning is to be maintained and dilestasikan by Britain and France with slightly different packaging, namely Love Lottery, where men and women looking for a partner by means of randomized or drawn. As well as the subsequent events, they do affection as husband to wife.

The teachings of Gnosticism
Valentine also has to do with the teachings of Gnosticism, this teaching is given by the bishop or church leader who has a flow of syncretism. Those who follow this doctrine assumes that the bed is the center of the main aisle of affection.

Some Assumption
There is also a thought that during the month of February, the animals, especially pigeons went looking for her partner. It was also underlying the day of love, or Valentine's day, even into the mystery behind the story of Valentine's Day.

Tragic incident
But there is a tragic incident that happened on Valentine's Day, which on February 14, 1929 there has been a massacre. The incident is certainly not pleasant, because it happened just as the day of love, where everyone is supposed to love each other and love.

Triple Valentinus
The incident began when ditemukanya several skeletons buried in Santo Hyppolitus which are in Rome. This incident was taken as a form perhormatan to as saints, namely Pastor, Bishop or Church leaders and martyrs or fighters. Many people who think that it is a skeleton framework triple Valentinus, and even many people who intentionally pilgrimage on Valentine's Day.

Everyone has the right to accept or not any differences. Is a natural thing to happen. Preferably any differences that exist do not make trouble. Because after all every human being has a right and its obligations in this world, including the right to receive affection and right to argue. Basically every man should love one another. There are many ways to express affection, not only during Valentine's Day alone. Valentine celebration or who has another name day of love should not be tainted by things that are not good. Because there are some people who are trying to disrupt an event like this, in a way that is inappropriate. The affection between people is sacred and whoever the person must respect the incident.

Mystery story behind this Valentine's Day should make us aware of the meaning and significance of the differences in the Valentine's Day!

Boat mystery Noah Finally Revealed

The story about the boat Noah is a phenomenal story and legendary. Allah gave Noah for a miracle to be able to make large-sized boat in one day to save people from a flood disaster that would befall the people of the prophet nuh at the time.
Boat mystery of Noah became a fascination to researchers around the world to be able to investigate the matter. Recently known in the East Coast area, precisely on Mount Agri or Mount Ararat is always a blanket of snow has discovered a carcass Boats / Ships over 1500 years old and allegedly was the boat of Noah. Not imaginary this discovery into a valuable discovery and the largest recorded in the history of the world.

This is certainly attracted the attention of researchers to be able to know in depth the relationship carcass boats were found with past events nuh legendary prophet. Not only researchers, but lately the US investigator as CIA / KGB did not want to miss the opportunity to examine the carcass of the boat above the mountain peaks. The CIA has been conducting research with recording and taking pictures using satellites and aircraft 'Stealth' above the top of the mountain Agrarat.

Many people try to climb the mountain peak Agrarat, but not many have managed to achieve it. Only a lucky few people who can get on top of the mountain. The rest many were killed in tragic prior to that. Mount Agrarat dubbed the "Mount Misery".

They were lucky to reach the top of the mountain, it will be able to see with their own eyes a lasting historical artifacts stored at its peak.

Then what is most precious artifacts that it is really carcasses boat Noah who had been buried for 1500 years? Experts archaeological justify it, because they obtain the conclusion that the artifacts found there is a very large dimensions and is nothing but a boat Prophet Noah.

How the boat story Noah found?
On May 2, 1988 the past has been a very severe earthquake befell Agrarat mountainous region covered with snow, and unlock the mystery artifacts boat / Noah's ark that has been buried for 5000 years.

After the earthquake occurrence, found a hole big stone with a hole carved and allegedly a "drogue Stones". Drogue Stones is a boat technology in ancient times. Used on the back of the boat to stabilize the movement of the boats on the high seas.

From the research, it is known that in the days of Noah is not as primitive as we think it is. In the days of the Advancement of Science and Technology knowledge they can be said to have been sufficiently developed and developing at the time.

Some examples that prove this analysis is of some astonishing findings from the foothills agrarat. Researchers from Russia discovered approximately 500 stone artifacts suggest ancient electric battery which is a tool to adapt metal. From the results it is clear that in the days of Noah already know the name of electricity.

Boat structure of Noah
Historians estimate Noah created his boat that is in the year 2465 BC. Then estimated at 2345 BC there was a flood disaster terrifying soaking almost half the human population on earth.
The Great Noah Ark is the name given to the legend of Noah's boat. The shape of Noah's Ark is not the same with ships that exist at the present time. According to the researchers who never look directly Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat peak, as well as some of the images taken by the satellite, it seems "The Great Noah Ark" has a frame size that is so large and sturdy.

Noah's boat composed of a series of wood from an ancient tree species are already extinct. But most researchers say the construction of the ship is of teak wood species originating from East Java and Central Java, Indonesia. The size of the wrecks were found after that is 7546 feet measured the length of the ark of approximately 500 feet, 83 feet wide and 50 feet high.

Predicted with a very large size Noah's Ark can carry hundreds of thousands of people and animals of various species. According Dr.Whitcomb, prophet nuh ship can accommodate 3700 mammals, 8600 species of poultry, 6300 reptiles, amphibians and 2500. The remainder of the people of Prophet Nuh man who believed in his teachings.

Batteries discovery
Researchers with the sophistication of the technology that they have, capture a radar that is like the steel molecules in the vessel. Turns out they found a steel structure that after in-depth study is the steel structure of the type "vessel". This type of "vessel" is older than 100,000 years, proved that it is a creation of human hands.
Some scholars argue that the most likely 'Noah's Ark' is built in a place called Shuruppak, which is an area that is located in southern Iraq.

If he built in southern Iraq and ended up stranded in northern Turkey, likely the ark was carried by water currents far more than 520 Km

Black Stone Surprising mystery Nasa

Stone Black Stone is a black stone slightly reddish located on the wall of Kabah in Mecca. The form of the Black Stone was originally a large stone sebongkahan, but after looting in the year 317 H, Stone Black Stone are now eight small boulders.
Interesting to listen to Mystery Existing behind Stone Black Stone, as a fact of an astronaut Neil Armstrong proved scientific fact that the city of Mecca is the center of the planet Earth. This happens when we know Neil Armstrong as the first man to explore the moon take a photograph of the earth from outer space. He gets a picture of the earth is hanging in a dark area, and this is where the mystery begins.

Quoted from a reliable source, bahwasannya it has been the study of the astronauts, so they find the existence of a radiation that occurs on the planet. Preaching is then officially have them published on the internet. But do not know why the news was finally gone after 21 days in publishing. No one knows why the reports could be lost, but the suspicion arises that it deliberately covered up one of the parties that may have hidden reasons.

Through in-depth research and study, scientists finally get a conclusion that says that radiation is meant located in the city of Mecca sourced or centered on the Kaaba. Not only that, the more surprising the radiation mentioned endless. When the researchers took images of Mars, it turns out that radiation is still there. Why It may come as no surprise Nasa? After the news spread, the Muslim scientists found radiation that occur have characteristics that connects hereafter to the temple located on Planet Earth.

Have you ever heard of an area called 'Zero Magnetism Area'? The area is a place where when we use a compass in the area, then the compass we will not work at all because of a very strong attraction between two poles. Where is this area? The area is in the middle between the north pole and a south pole.

Mystery stone Black Stone Surprising Nasa
Then that is the reason why people who live in Mecca can be healthier and live longer. Mecca is also not influenced by gravity. Therefore when the people who were on the pilgrimage when they surround the temple they feel like getting a mysterious energy that has been proven scientifically.

Other experts have also theorized that the Stone Black Stone is a stone that can float on water and is the oldest rocks ever existed in the world. Of the United Kingdom confirmed that they had 3 pieces of fruit stone of the Kaaba stored in the British Museum. When asked the museum to mention that the stone pieces after deep research say not the kind of stone that comes from our earth. Wallaahuam ..

Mystery stone Black Stone Surprising Nasa

Related to this statement, we remembered a word from the Prophet that: "Stone Black Stone was sent down from heaven, the color is whiter than milk, and the sins of the children and grandchildren Adamlah which makes black.

Thus a brief description of the Stone Black Stone Surprising Nasa. In Islam the Black Stone is a stone that is sacred and to be a place that is considered the granting of the prayer of a person.

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Chagas, Deadly Disease Number Two After AIDS

AIDS is a disease that is becoming the number one fear for everyone in this world. Even until now has not found a cure for the disease AIDS. Of new diseases emerging in line with the changing times. One is Chagas, a deadly disease second only to AIDS. 

Here Chagas, Deadly Disease Number Two After AIDS
Nan dangerous deadly disease after AIDS, Chagas. Chagas is actually not a new disease emerge, the disease has long been known in the medical field. Only recently conducted in-depth research and more about this disease.

Researchers estimate that the disease is almost similar to but more deadly AIDS disease. And now scientists have managed to find the kind of insects that claimed the cause of Chagas disease and then they publish their findings. There have been many Latin Americans who started this deadly disease.

In 1909, J. Carlos Ribeiro had found Chagas disease Chagas is taken and the name of the inventor's last name.

Diseases known to have been transmitted by a virus that is spread through a tiny winged insects that usually has a black color. This insect species is Triatome / Triatominae / Triatomine / Triatoma which is a human blood-sucking insects to transmit the virus through bites carries.

Based journal PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, Chagas can cause the heart to swell. If the disease is severe, then the heart can rupture and cause sudden death.

This made scientists fear, especially difficult to detect these symptoms so it takes a longer time for years to find these symptoms appear. This is why scientists refer to as a new version of Chagas disease AIDS.

Characteristic of this disease has almost the same with AIDS. Spread very easily occur, which can be through blood transfusions or descent (congenital gene), but can not be spread through sexual contact.

The trouble detection of the symptoms of this disease makes treatment difficult early on. If the disease has been known since early also takes nearly 3 months for treatment. Moreover, the disease is attacking the residents with poor economic conditions. But not yet known why this happens. But it is possible if the conditions of their houses dirty thus becoming a hotbed for dwelling insects. Or it could be because they do not have money for treatment that makes them ignore any health complaints.

Things like this will make the disease worse. Though the risks that can happen is sudden death. So needless region of themselves for check-up if you have health complaints. Because we also do not know whether it is a symptom of Chagas' disease or the other.

Science Daily found the main factor Chagas spread of the virus is due to climate change is happening. Climate change makes the temperature of the Earth becomes warmer and keep the insects spread to the northern regions.

This disease has begun to spread to South America (Mexico, Bolivia, and Colombia), Central America, several other countries in Europe.

The danger of this disease makes us to be more alert to circumstances and always maintain health in order tidk susceptible to disease. Checks or routine medical control is needed to detect the symptoms of the disease as early as possible.

Thus article about Chagas, the deadly disease second only to AIDS. Health is very expensive. To guard for our health so that we can live a good life.

Here Benefits Distri on Eid al-Adha

Reward fields can be found all around us even in small deeds. Many ways for us to get closer to God, which always do what is commanded and avoid what is forbidden him. One benefit is the practice with many sacrifices. This is the purpose of sacrifice on Eid al-Adha.

10 Benefits on Eid al-Adha Sacrifice Should Know

1. Cultivate empathy
This is one of the 10 benefits of sacrifice on Eid al-Adha. Berqurban is one practice we were able to improve social care for others. If we include people fairly in terms of wealth, we should set aside some of our wealth to the sacrificial berqurban which then distributed to people who are more in need.

2. Train yourself to be the benefactor
Generous attitude is a good attitude. So it needs to be grown and nurtured into a personality. Therefore, the generous attitude can be trained with berqurban. Our wealth will not run if it is used in the path of God, even God can add many-fold.

3. Increase devotion to God
Command to berqurban clearly stated in the Qur'an as a good practice. Therefore, berqurban means doing what is commanded him to increase our faith and refrain from lust.

4. Provision reward at the end of the day
If we make sacrifices willingly, solely because of Allah. Then deeds will be recorded by the angels as our good deeds. God will repay us in the final days later.

5. Build solidarity
In the process of sacrifices, we will do the reception, slaughter, weighing, until the distribution to residents. All these activities are done by local people. Thereby increasing our socialization to each other mutual assistance to one another. because these activities would not be possible only to one person.

6. Blessing in sustenance
Eid al-Adha is a secret blessing adds sustenance. Sustenance that we have should be set aside in part for the good. Can with alms, zakat, or with this berqurban. Treasure we would be a blessing if we use it in the way of Allah.

7. Refrain from being greedy
In doing this practice berqurban God gives some requirements that must be met, such as the person is able to do so. Many people who are able but they do not want to berqurban. However, if we were able and willing to run it. Then this shows that we are not oriented to the treasures of the world.

8. Maintain silarutahmi
In the course of berqurban we will encounter a lot of other people. Socialization will keep in touch. We will work together and share the happiness of Eid al-Adha.

9. Meeting the nutritional needs of the small
The benefits and virtues of sacrifice on Eid al-Adha is the day following benefits. Meat has a considerable nutritional benefits for our health. However, not all people can feel or eat it, considering the price of meat is high enough. Under the extremely rare to be able to eat meat. From berqurban will distribute the meat to the people who need so as to meet their nutritional needs.

10. prosper mosque
Most of the activities carried dimasjid berqurban. Start of Eid al-Adha until the slaughter process is conducted around the mosque. So that the mosque will be busy people who are doing practice berqurban. The prosperity of the mosque is one of God's command to Muslims. By karenya, with berqurban we will prosper once the house of God.

Thus the benefits berqurban day Eid al-Adha. Eid al-Adha is one of the big day Muslims. So we should be eager to greet the day. If we include the people who are able, then set aside our wealth to perform this service.
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